Marc De Blieck
°1958, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium Lives and works in Ghent .
2019 PHD in the Arts, publication Save as image, Luca School of Arts Ghent
1999 Master degree “Photography” KASKA, Antwerp, BE
1984 Pedagogical certificate (art)
1984 Degree: advanced high education in the arts (painting), NHISK, Antwerp, BE
1981 Degree: high education in the arts (painting), KASKA, Antwerp, BE
1977 Degree: high school “Human Sciences”, Sint-Niklaas, BE
1999 - present LUCA School of Arts, Campus Gent, BE
2021 Traces, Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerp
2019 Save as Image, Sofam, Brussels
2018 Pentecost Counterpoint, Galery EL, Welle, BE
2014 Standards, Netwerk, Aalst, BE.
2013 The Mapping of Institutional Legitimation onto a zigzag Trail, Loods 12, Wetteren, BE.
2010 Red – Blue, Experimental Intermedia, Gent, BE.
2008 The Meydenbauer Legacy, Sint-Lukasgalerie, Brussel, BE
Home -One man show, De Markten, Brussel, BE
2003 File under Ricochet, Galerie Mercator, Antwerp, BE
The mapping of psychoanalytical onto historical legitimation #2, Het Kabinet, Gent, BE
2000 Besites, Muhka, Antwerp, BE
Chapter 0, Galerie db–s, Antwerp, BE.
2021 Marc De Blieck, Serge Haelterman, Philip Van Isacker, -Wals-, Herzele (BE)
2020 The Beginning of the 21st Century, Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerp
2017 - Frame, Play, Pause, SASK, De Vierkante Zaal, Sint-Niklaas, BE
- Land van Fotografie - 120 photographers in 120 houses in Land van Waaslaan Gent, BE
- The Photographic I, SMAK, Museum of contemporary Art, Gent, BE.
- Spurensicherung, Wilfried Lentz, Rotterdam, NL
- Robert De keersmaecker & …, Oud-Gemeentehuis, Willebroek, BE.
2016 - One more Take, Abtenhuis, Geraardsbergen, BE.
- The Perfect Shot - Ricochet II, Screening and Artists’ Talk, Off-Off cinema, Gent, BE
- Scotomata, Gallery Joey Ramone, Rotterdam, NL
2015 - Enlightened Fountains (reasons to be cheerful), Loods12, Gent, BE
- Tabula Rasa, Museum Dr. Guislain, Gent, BE
2014 - The Divided Body, Predikherenkerk, Leuven, BE
- Punctum, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg, AT
2013 - If only When… - Marc De Blieck & Kurt Du Tré - Work in Progress, Orpheus Institute, Gent, BE
2013 - The Prélude Pathétique, University Library, Leuven, BE
- Ik wordt, Voorkamer, Lier, BE
2012 Sans Gène, Villa de Olmen, Wieze, BE
2011 - Edmond Sacré, Portrait of a City, STAM, Gent, BE
- De Saedeleer revisited / Landscape in contemporay art, Stedelijk Museum Aalst, Aalst, BE.
2010 - Collected Stories, Kunstenfestival, Watou, BE 2009
- Pittoresk, Marta Herford, Herford , DE
- Best General View, Kunsthaus Essen, DE
2009 - Beyond the Picturesque, SMAK, Gent, BE
- The Mountain Show, Wilfried Lentz Gallery, Rotterdam, NL
2008 Screen Worlds, Vlaams Parlement, Brussel, BE
2007 - The Projection Project, Curators Mark Kremer and Edwin Carels, Budapest, HU
- Fotocollectie, (C-print), Gent, BE
2006 - Collection Allemande, KikIRPA, Brussel, BE
- Heilige Geest, Voorkamer, Lier, BE
- The Projection Project, MuHKA, Antwerp, BE
2005 - Wrong exposure’ Error#2, ErrorOne, Antwerp, BE
- From Shady Grove’ Error#1, ErrorOne, Antwerp, BE
2004 - The Naked City, Archilab, Orléans, FR
- Onufri, The National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, AL
2003 - Belgrado-den Haag, de onmogelijkheid van het plannen, Stroom, Den Haag, NL
- Beeld in het park, Curators Rik De Boe and Peter Morrens, Etterbeek, BE
2000 - Fototheek, Galerie db-s, Antwerp, BE
- Short Circuit, Flemish photography, Curator Pool Andries, Tallinn, EE.
2021: The Absentee Photographer, by Steven Humblet in: Trigger, ed. FOMU, Antwerp. photographer
2019: Save as Image, PHD Luca School of Art
2019: Photobook Belge - A selection of most important photobooks in Belgium
"Z.T." Wim Cuyvers / Marc De Blieck. Yves Gevaert Publisher, Brussels, 2002 Fotomuseum Antwerp, BE
2017: Compact Discours , “Image” LUCA, De Singel, Antwerp, BE
2017: - About Looking, SMAK and Thinking Tools (Antwerp), SMAK, Gent, BE.
- The Photographic I - exhibition magazine published by Roma Publications Amsterdam
- Turning Photography - website:
2016: Optic Nerve - symposium, Curated by Edwin CarelsPiet Zwart Institute and The International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2015: Afterschool – Images, Education and Research, EDS Nancy Vansieleghem, Joris Vlieghe, Pieter Vertstraete, Leuven University
Press (ISBN 978 94 6270 049 9)
2014: Prix Fernand Baudin 2013, Book with Text describing the publication “SWIM”
2013: Shame! (Hide & Show), Errorone, Publisher, Antwerp, BE
2012: Zien, Doen, Denken / Jacques Rançières en de kunstpraktijk, AR Mer, Publisher, Gent, BE (ISBN 9789490693770)
Radicale Gemeenplaatsen – Europese architectuur uit Vlaanderen, Publisher: VAI. (Flemish Institute for Architecture)
Photography in Times of Progress, Organised by Univerity of Gent en University of Leuven, Cinematek, Brussel, BE
BookShowBookShop, Curators Johan Pas and Vaast Colson, Be-Part, Waregem, BE 'Cahier #3, Openbaarheid' Vlaams
Bouwmeester, portfolio and text “Photography in Times of Progress”, Published by Vlaams Bouwmeester
Best General View, Curator Dirk Braeckman, Published by Kunsthaus Essen, DE
2011 Save as Image, Lecture, Seminart #4 “Researching Space”, Brussel, BE
2009 Nerveuze pixels, Photography after 1999, Johan De Vos, uitgegeven Mets en Schilt, NL.
Pittoresk - Catalogue of exposition, Marta Herford, DE
Beyond the Picturesque - Catalogue of exposition, SMAK, Gent, BE
2008 Proposities #1 – Book, ACCO publisher, Leuven, BE, with support from Ivok Home – Book, Photos Marc De Blieck, text Ger
Groot, Inge Henneman, Jan Knops, Book design Joris Kritis en Julie Peeters, Mens en Cultuur uitgevers
2006 Projection - Book and catalogue, Edwin Carels, Mark Kremer, Dieter Roelstraete, NAI publishers, Rotterdam
2004 Archilab 2004, The Naked City – catalogue, Concept Bart Lootsma, Editions HYX, Orléans
2003 File under Ricochet, Book, 3D photos Marc De Blieck, Beograd-Den Haag – Book, Concept Wim Cuyvers, Filiep Tack,
Book design Michael Bussaer and Andrea Martins, Stroom, Den Haag
2002 Zonder titel – Book, Yves Gevaert, publisher, Brussels