Born; 1981 , Tønsberg, Norway.
Norwegian artist
Member of: Uks , Young Artist society, Norway
NBK, Norwegian artist society, Norway
Represented by :
TORCH gallery, Amsterdam,Nl
Camara Oscura galeria de arte, Madrid , Es
2007- 2011 BA degree , KABK Royal academy of fine arts, Den Haag, Nederland.
2006-2007 Billedskolen , ,DK
2006-2004 Traditional private schooling under artist J.Esmann, DK
2004 Glyptotekests classical drawing school/Asbjørn Jacobsen, DK
2003 University of Bergen, Examen Philosoficum,NO
2002-2003 Høyskolen i Vestfold Sociology, No
Eastside International Los Angeles, Usa , spring 2018
Leipzig Internationale artist program, summer/autum 2015
2018 ” Into the wild blue yonder ” , Group expo ,Torch gallery , Amsterdam , Nl
2018 Pop up , ESXLA , Los Angeles , USA
2017 – 2018 – Pendulum, soloexpo, Camera Oscura gallery ,Madrid,Es
2017 -2018 Proof of Life – Lebenszeichen in der Kunst , curated group Expo ,Weserburg Museum für moderne kunst, Bremen , Germany
2017 Inaugural Washington 186, Groupexpo with solo presantation , WASHINGTON 186 arranged by Aeroplastic gallery & W186, Brussels,Be
2017 6voor6, Art fair, Group exhibition, Torch Gallery ,Amsterdam,Nl
2017 Rapid Repulsion, Solo exhibition, Torch Gallery ,Amsterdam,Nl
2016, This art fair, Beurs van Berlage,Amsterdam, Torch Gallery, Amsterdam, Nl
2016 , Beyond, iamsterdam youbeberlin ,Berlin , Germany curated show. Torch Gallery , solo show by Tina Säuerlander
2016 Art Rotterdam, art fair, Torch Gallery, NL
2015 Unheimlich, Leipzig internationale artist program, Group show, De Spinnerei, ,Leipzig ,DE
2015 Summer show . Leipzig Internationale Artist program ,De Spinnerei, Leipzig , DE
2015 LIA ,Liepzig,Germany ,Residency program
2014 AIR nr 9 art fair, TORCH gallery,Amsterdam, NL
2014 IN / Out , Camara Oscura Galleria de Arte, Madrid,ES
2014 ESTAMPA Madrid, art fair, Camara Oscura ,Es
2014 Pop- Up , de Kunstdames a selection, Gronningen, Nl
2014 Amsterdam Drawing 2014, art fair for original works on paper, Torch gallery, Nl
2014 30 years of fire, Torch gallery, Nl
2014 Accomplices 2, Kunstlab Deventer, Deventer, NL
2014 Accomplices 2 , TETEM Kunstruimte, Enschede, NL.
2013- 2014 Toxic Trail , TORCH gallery ,Amsterdam, Nl, Soloshow
2013 Art Miami, art fair, TORCH gallery, USA
2013 Amsterdam Drawing , Art fair on original works on paper. TORCH Gallery, NL
2013 Komplizen, Buro Beukorest / TAC, Eindhoven, Nl
2013 Komplizen, Ostrale ,Dredsen ,DE ( group show)
2013 Eye exile , Heppenheim kunstverein, Germany. Soloshow.
2013 Art Rotterdam, art fair, Torch Gallery, Nl
2012 Pulse Miami, Torch Gallery, USA
2012 PAN Amsterdam, Torch Gallery. Amsterdam, NL
2012 Scope Art Basel, Camera oscura, galleria de arte , Basel, CH
2012 Kunst Rai, Torch Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
2012 New York Pulse art fair , Torch gallery, New York ,USA
2012 ”Game remains the same” Camera oscura gallerie arte, Madrid, Es ( solo)
2012 Art Rotterdam art fair ,TORCH Gallery, NL
2012 ” Ongekendt” young masters, CBK Rotterdam, Rotterdam, NL
2011 Menzis young talent show, Menzis , The Hauge, NL
2011 ”Ernstig Gesichkt! ” juryed exhibition , Plaatsmaken/ G.A.N.G , Arnhem , NL
2011 ”Summer exhibition ” TORCH gallery , Amsterdam, NL
2011 Final Exam, KABK Royal academy The hauge, NL
2011 ” Linke Hobbys” Hoop ,The Hauge, NL
2010 ”Made in utlandet” Juvenarte, juryed exhibition, Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo, No
2009 ” Import / Export” Juvenarte , juryed exhibition, Galleri Ramfjord, Oslo, No
2008 ” Salon des debutantes” Royal Gallery, Kabk, The Hauge, NL
Semi-public and public collections:
BP. Nl / GB
Jan des Bouvrie Collection,NL
Hugo and ClaraBrown Collection, Nl
anonynmous collector , will donate one work to Stedelijk Museum, NL
Various private international collections:
Norway, The Nederlands; Russia, Spain, Usa, Germany
Kunstbeeld, Schilderkunst in NL,Generatie 2.0 – the new generation of painters in the Nederlands.
El Pais
El Cultural
Tønsbergs Blad
Mertopolis M (inetrnet version)
Trendbeheer blogg
Zoo magazine. Internett version Nov / Dec 2013
Kunst trøkk.
2004 Drømmestipendet from Norsk tipping for special painting talent.