Molly Palmer (UK, 1984) this year finished her artist residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam with an immersive installation, involving video film, sound composition, light with special effects and objects. In her work Molly Palmer uses handmade props, sets and costumes, green-screening protagonists into layered video worlds, where music, gesture, and dialogue form cyclical narratives exploring the strangeness concealed within ordinary things. The fractured narratives that unfold within these material environments explore the transformative potential of personal belief, often seeking resolution for difficult events - sorrow, loss, anxiety, mental health challenges or trauma. Although visually dream-like, this work is not intended as fantasy. Instead, it offers a step sideways into parallel worlds that allow us to examine and enjoy the complexity and absurdity of being human.
Molly Palmer is an artist, composer and choreographer of her objects and sets within her films and installations.