Wilfredo Prieto
Born in Sancti-Spíritus, Cuba, 1978
Lives and works in Habana
1999 - 2002 Galeria DUPP GROUP, ISA, Havana, CU
1998 - 2002 Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), Havana, CU
1992 - 1996 Professional School of Fine Arts, Trinidad, CU
Solo exhibitions
2019 'Chiudere un occhio', Fondazione Morra Greco, Napoli, IT
2018 Houses without people, people without houses, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Dans la Rue Saint-Gilles, Brownstone Fondation, Paris, FR.
2017 Batatas, pedras, Mendes Wood DM Gallery, Sao Paolo, BR
In the Mind of God, NoguerasBlanchard Gallery, Madrid, ES
Swan Bones, Massimo Minini Gallery, Brescia, IT
2016 You can”t make a revolution wit silk gloves, Kurimanzuto, MX
Substance, Bank Vault Gallery, Hong Kong, CHN
2015 Error de Sistema, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo del Zulia, Maracaibo, VE
Loophole, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Ping-Pong Cuadricula, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de La Habana, Havana, CU
2014 Speaking badly about Stones, S.M.A.K., Gent, BE
The view of the garden of Helene Hollandt, Kunstverein Braunschweig, DE
2013 Under the title "Incidences from the private to the public and from the public to the private" Workshops, NMAC
Foundation, Cadiz, ES
A coffee made by Di, Galeria NoguerasBlanchard, Madrid, ES
An illuminated rock, and unilluminated rock, NoguerasBlanchard, Madrid, ES
2012 Leaving something to chance, Sala de Arte Publico Siqueiros, Mexico D.F., MEX
Equilibrando la curva, HangarBicocca, Milano, IT
Sad Circus, 11th Havana Bienal, J and Calzada, Havana, CU
2011 The Emperor’s New Clothes, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Spirito Due, Complesso Monumentalle Santo Spirito in Sassia(curated by Valentina Ciarallo), Roma, IT
Wilfredo Prieto, Pradera constructivista y deconstructivista vista desde el sofa de la casa con los pies sobre
la mesa, (curated by Blanca de la Torre) Praxis, ARTIUM, Vitoria, ES
Amarrado a la pata de la mesa (Tied up to the table leg), Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo (CA2M), Móstoles, Madrid, ES
Left/Right, Museo de Arte Contemporáno de Vigo (Marco), Vigo, ES
Landscape with the fall of Icarus, Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon, PR
2010 Negro, mate, seco (Black, matt, dry), NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona, ES
2009 I am making Art, Wilfredo Prieto & Ignacio Uriarte, Taka Ishii Gallery, Kyoto&Tokio, JP
2008 Mountain, S.M.A.K., Ghent, BE
Nude, Galerie Martin Van Zomeren, Amsterdam, NL
2007 Untitled (Red Carpet), NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona, ES
A moment of silence. Artists Web Projects, Dia Art Foundation, New Cork, US
Walking the dog and eating shit, Lennon Park, Havana, CU
2006 Grease, Soap and Banana, Santa Clara’s convent, Havana, CU
Mute, McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, Canada, CA
Dead angle, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, FR
2005 Mucho ruido y pocas nueces II, MUSAC, León, ES
2004 Untitled (White Library), NoguerasBlanchard, Barcelona, ES
Speech, Galerie Martin Van Zomeren, Ámsterdam, NL
2003 Mucho ruido y pocas nueces I, Galería Habana, Havana, CU
2002 Wilfredo Prieto en el Wifredo Lam, Wilfredo Lam Centre of Contemporary Art, Havana, CU
2001 Matrioska, Centre for Development of Visual Arts, Havana, CU
2000 Technical details, (with James Bonachea), Cultural Centre ICAIC; Ludwig Foundation of Cuba, Havana, CU
Group exhibitions
2019 Landlord Colors: On Art, Economy, and Materiality, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MI, USA
CODA Paper Art, 2019, CODA Apeldoorn, Apeldoorn, NL
2018 Thank you, gracias, NoguerasBlanchard Gallery, Madrid, ES
Other Walks, Other Lines, San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, USA
Remnants. Green Art Gallery, Dubai, AE
Black Box. Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre, BR
BRIC-à-brac | The Jumble of Growth. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, IT
Da uno a dieci. Artists make carpets. Massimo Minini Gallery, Brescia, IT
The Quest-for-Meaning Bureau. The Culture of a Good Life. KUNSTSAELE Berlin, Berlin, DE
Ola Cuba. lille3000, Lille, FRA
Orígenes. Casa de la Cultura Zaza del Medio, Cuba
Cuba Mi Amor. Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, FRA
2017 Art x Cuba. Contemporary Positions since 1989, Museum Ludwig Forum, Aachen, DE
Soy Cuba, Galería Continua, Les Moulins, FR
Vida quieta, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Havana, CUB
Adiós Utopia: Dreams and Deceptions in Cuban Art Since 1950, Walker Art Centre, Minneapolis, USA
SOUTH -SOUTH. Let Me Begin Again, Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, ZA
As If Sand Were Stone: Latin American Contemporary Art, Art Gallery of Ontario, Ontario, CAN
Time of Intuition, Istituto Veneto di scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 57th Venice Biennale, Venice, IT
Mutaciones, Casa Museo Lope de Vega, Madrid, ES.
Wilde Noise, Bronx Museum, New York, USA.
2016 Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America Today, South London Gallery, London, UK
BRIC-á-brac, The Third Today’s Documents. Today Art Museum, Beijing, CN
Resonating Surfaces, Mendes Wood DM Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brasil, BR
In the silence of Ibuki, some drops of water stroke me the hour / Limit. II Setouchi Triennale, Ibukijima, JP
Cuba. Tatooing History. Cantieri della Zisa (ZAC), Palermo, IT
Detective. Galerie Andreas Huber, Vienna, AT
Cuba. Tatooing History. Padiglioni d’Arte Contemporanea (PAC), Milan, IT
Back in 5 Minuts. Martin Van Zomeren Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Watchdog-Lapdog-Playdog. NoguerasBlanchard Gallery, Barcelona, ES
Transhumance. CAB Art Center, Brussels, BE
Nano-. Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, La Habana, CU
Mistaken Impressions. Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, US
WHITE CUBE... LITERALLY. Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde, Dubai, AE
2015 Mistaken Impressions, Gallery Root Division, San Francisco, US
The Artists Project (4th season), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, US
After Breton, De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, NL
WAR II, History Series, Mostyn, Llandudno, Wales, UK
Daniel Buren, Sam Lewitt, Wilfredo Prieto, Charles Ray, Paela Rosenkranz, Joe Zorilla, Hannah Hoffman Gallery, Los
Angeles, USA
Ocho mesas: entre el instante y el gesto pictorico, La Tallera, Cuernavaca, Mx
Unplace, Virtual exposition, Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, PR
Back to the Future, Annet Gelikn Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Itinerarios XX|, Fundacion Botin, Santander, ES
Under the Same Sun: Art from Latin America Today. Museo Jumex, Mexico City, MX
The trick in the smile. Artium Collection. ARTIUM, Vitoria, ES
Meditarmos em silêncio a diferença entre nós. Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Madrid, ES
Ejercicios De Traslado: Colecciones 9915. Centro de Arte Alcobendas (CAA), Madrid, ES
A.N.T.H.R.O.P.O.C.E.N.E. Meessen De Clercq Gallery, Brussels, BE
Imperceptibly and Slowly Opening. Sector 2337, Chicago, US
Another Part of the New World. Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, RU
The Metabolic Age. MALBA, Buenos Aires, AR
The Lulennial: A Slight Gestuary. Lulu, Mexico City, Mexico, MX
There is Only One Catch And That is Catch-22. Y-Gallery, New York, US
2014 Hidden Wood in Trees, The Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, IL
Collective Collection, BBB Centre D’ Art, Toulouse, FR
Ascendent Line, Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, Toronto, CA
Une Histoire. Art, architecture, design. Des annees 1980 a nos tours, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Some Artists’artists, Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, US
Under the same sun: Art from Latin America Today, Guggenheim Museum, NY, US
Pure Water. The Most Valuable Resource in the World, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Linz, AT
Doble direccion, Centre d`Art la Panera, Lleida, ES
About Sculpture #1, Galerie Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, DE
ArtBO International Art Fair Bogota, CO
SLAPSTICK, The Art of Comedy, Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Linz, AT
Before Day Break, Toronto, CA
Chapter III. Manifesto. Art today, facing the doubts. Fabra Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona, ES
Permission to be Global, Practicas Globales. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, US
Para quebrar los muros. Un proyecto de intervención. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana.
Slow Future. CCA Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, PL
Ibi Et Nunc: sobre paradojas democráticas. Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, ES
2013 If you will it, it is not a dream, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
ArtBO International Art Fair Bogota, CO
Gracia Divina: El Humor como estrategia artistica, Sala Gasco, Santiago de Chile, CL
Emergency Pavilion: Rebuilding Utopia, Collateral Event of the 55th Venice Bienal, Venice, IT
The Right to the City, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, Amsterdam NL
SLAPSTICK!, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, AT
For my eyes only, VJP Collection, UGM Maribor Art Gallery, SI
Open spaces l secret places, MdM Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg, Vienna, AT
Nessun oggetto e' innocente, FRAC Corse, FR
Opinione Latina, Francesca Minini, Milano, IT
Jetztzeit (el tiempo del ahora) + La espalda del ángel, (curated by Manuel Segade) Centre d'art la Panera, Lleida,
Objects in Mirror are closer than they appear, Galería Isabel Hurley, Málaga, SP
Permission to be Global. Latin American Art. CIFO Art Space, Miami, US
Spanish Lessons (a project by Gabriel Orozco). Marian Goodman, New York, US
Dilated Biography: Contemporary Cuban Narratives. School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Mixed Message Media. Gladstone Gallery, New York, US
2012 Primer acto: Inauguración, Museo Tamayo, Mexico D.F, MX
Detective, Galerie Andreas Huber, Vienna, AT
Los impolíticos, Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Montevideo, UY
Copa América: Videoarte Latino-americana contemporanea, Paço das Artes, Sao Paulo, BR
When Attitudes Became Form Become Attitudes, (curated by Jens Hoffmann)CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary
Art, San Francisco, US
About: blank, Kunsthalle Münster, (curated by Carla Donauer and Alexandra Landré) Münster, DE
Collection V. CA2M Fund Selection, CA2M, Madrid, ES
Hacer el fracaso, Casa Encendida, (curated by Daniel Cerrejón), Madrid, ES
Objects in Mirror are closer than they appear. Asnova Architects, Utrecht, NL
Now Here is also Nowhere. Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, US
Salvajes. Digesting Europe Piece by Piece, Traneudstillingen, Hellerup, Denmark
Keeping up Appearances. Nassauischer Kunstverein (NKV), Wiesbaden, Germany.
2011 Cities and Things That Matter, Lombard Fried Projects, NY, US
Bananas is my Business: The South American Way, Carmen Miranda Museum, Rio de Janeiro, BR
In-Between, 11th Biennale of Cuenca-Ecuador, Cuenca, EC
Commercial Break, Garage Projects, 54th Venice Bienal, Venice, IT
Future Generation-Art Price @Venice, Palazzo Papadopoli, Venice, IT
Échos musée Nissim de Camondo in collaboration avec les musées des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, FR
Barely there, Museum of Contemporary Art Detrot (MOCAD), (Curated by Luis Croquer) Detroit, US
Our Magic Hour, Yokohama Triennale 2011, (Artistic Director: Akiko Miki), JP
Crisisss. América Latina, arte y confrontación 1919-2919, Palacio de Bellas Artes, (Curated by Gerardo Mosquera),
México City, MX
A Museum That is Not, Times Museum, curated by Niñita, Yingqian Cal Guangzhou, CN
Untitled (12th Instanbul Biennial), 12th Instanbul Biennial, TR
Coup d'éclat, En résonance / 11e Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon, FR
Terrible Beauty: Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance, Dublin Contemporary, Dublin, IR
Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuk Art Center, Venice Bienniale, Venice, IT
Franchville (Grand Lyon). (Comisariada por Francesca Agnesod, Guillaume Hervier, Andrea Rodriguez Novoa), FR
2010 Law of the Jungle, Lehmann Maupin, (curated by Tiago Carneiro) Nueva Cork, US
Nuit Blanche, Place du Trocadéro, (curated by Martin Béthenod), Paris, FR
During Office Hours, (curated by Aaron Moulton), VGF, Berlin, D
De frente al sol, (curated by Patrick Charpenel), Galerie Martin Janda, Viena, AT
Future Generation Art Prize, Pinchuk Art Center, Kiev, Ukraine, UA
29th Sao Paulo Biennale (curated by Moacir dos Anjos and Agnaldo Farias), Sao Paulo, BR
Beyond Entropy, 12th Venice Architecture Biennale (curated by Stefano Rabolli), Venice, IT
Panamericana, (curated by Jens Hoffmann), Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, MX
I'm Not Here. An Exhibition Without Francis Alÿs, De Appel Boys’ School, Ámsterdam, NL
Before Everything, (curated by Aimar Arriola and Manuela Moscoso), CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles,
Madrid, ES
Exhibition, Exhibition, (curated by Adam Carr), Castello di Rivoli, Torino, IT
Electrified 02, Hacking Public Space, (curated by Thibaud Verhoeven), S.M.A.K., Ghent, BE
Cosas que sólo un artista puede hacer, MARCO, Vigo; and MEIAC, (curated by David Arlandis and Javier Marroquí)
Badajoz, ES
Pra Começo de Século, O Museu de Arte Contemporânea (MAC) do Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura,
Fortaleza, BR
GALLERY, GALERIE, GALLERIA, (curated by Adam Carr), Norma Mangione Gallery, Torino, IT
2009 Los Impolíticos, (curated by Laura Bardier), Palazzo delle Arti, Naples, IT
Ordinary Revolutions, (curated by Stefanie Kreuzer) Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, DE
Jafre Biennial, (curated by Carolina Grau), Girona, ES
Thessaloniki Biennial, GR
Stowaways, (curated by Jens Hoffmann), CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, US
Directions, A Palazzo Gallery, Brescia, IT
Lisson presents 4, (curated by Elena Grippa), Lisson Gallery, London, UK
Hypocrisy: The Sitespecificity of Morality, National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, NR
II Biennale Cuvée, Linz, AT
Broken thorn, sweet blackberry, Sikkema Jenkins & CO, New Cork, US
X Habana Biennial, La Habana, CU
A la vuelta de la esquina. Casa Encendida, Madrid, ES (curated by Direlia Lazo)
2008 Objects of Value, (curated by René Morales) Miami Art Museum, Miami, USA
Fuck You Human, Maribel López Gallery, Berlin, DE
Arte, Prezzo e Valore, Arte contemporanea e mercato, La Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, IT
Die Bibliothek, Galerie für Zeitgenössiche Kunst, Leipzig, DE
Sin remedio, Galería Alcuadrado, Bogotá, CO
That’s Not How I Remember It, Anna Helwing, Los Angeles, US
Mondo e Terra, La collezione del FRAC Corsica, MAN, Museo d’Arte Provincia di Nuoro, IT
That Was Then…This is Now, (curated by Neville Wakefield) PS1 MoMA, New York, US
The Disobedients, (curated by Jimena Blazquez), Annet Gelink, Ámsterdam, NL
States of Exchange: Artists from Cuba, (curated by Gerardo Mosquera and Cylena Simonds) Iniva, London, UK
Greenwashing environment: peril, promise and perpexlity, (curated by Latitudes and Ilaria Bonacossa),
Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turín, IT
2007 Time after time, Galica Gallery, Milano (curated by Giovanni Giovane)
Territorios, 52 Venice Biennale, Italo-Latinamerican Pavilion, (curated by Irma Arestizabal) Venice, IT
Arts al Palau, Palau Ducal de Gandía, Gandía, ES
Cintas Foundation Award Finalists, Frost Art Museum, Miami, US
Extraordinary Rendition, (curated by Latitudes), Nogueras Blanchard, Barcelona, ES
Errore di sistema-System error, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, IT
Artists Books: Transgressions/Excess, Space Other Gallery, Boston, US
Zero, San Francisco de Asís convent, Havana, CU
2006 Cluster, Participant inc., Nueva York; El particular Mexico D.F.; Art2102, Los Angeles; Four, Dublin,
1st Singapore Biennial, Curated by Fumio Nanjo, Singapore, SG
Untitled (crane), Madrid Abierto, Madrid, ES
Apolitical, Louvre Museum, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, FR
2005 The Hours, (curated by Sebastián López)Visual Arts from Contemporary Latin America, Irish Museum of Modern Art,
Dublin, IR
Island Nations, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, US
Just on Time, Galeria Habana, Havana, CU
2003 VIII Havana Biennial, Wilfredo Lam Centre of Contemporary Art, Havana, CU
Stretch, The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, CA
Double seduction, INJUVE, Madrid, ES
Common Sense, Galería Habana, Havana, CU
2002 Identity, Santa Clara’s convent; Nicolás Guillén Foundation, Havana, CU
III Estandarte International Biennial, Tijuana Cultural Centre, Tijuana, MX
Latinamerican Memorial, paralell exhibition to the XXV Bienal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BR
2001 III National Salon of Contemporary Cuban Art, Centre for Development of Visual Arts, Havana, CU
Goiás Museum of Contemporary Art, (with DUPP), BR
Contemporary Cuban Art, The Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science, DUPP, Florida, US
2000 VII Havana Biennial, DUPP, Havana, CU
Watamula, International Artists Workshop, Curaçao, CW
Con un pensar abstraído, Galería Habana, DUPP, Havana, CU
1999 II Performance Festival Ana Mendieta, Cuban Pavillion, DUPP, Havana, CU
Curatorial Projects
2015 Montanacon esquina rota (along with Gretel Medina and Drelia Lazo), 12th Havana
Biennial, Havana, CU
Articles & Reviews
Hernández, Erena. Ser y nada, Atlántica Magazine of Art and Thought, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, #48/49, pp. 228-235
Porrero, Ricardo. Arqueología cotidiana, Código, April 2009
Lequeux, Emmanuelle. Mine de rien, Beaux Arts, February 2009, p. 49
Sánchez Mónica. States of Exchange. Artists from Cuba, ArtNexus, No. 69, 2008, p.148-150
Mosquera, Gerardo. Wilfredo Prieto. The Tension of the Image, ArtNexus, No. 69, 2008, p. 50-55
Terrien, David. All That Glitters, Art Review, Issue 26, October 2008, pp. 104-107
Bates, Stephen. The Guardian, Thursday May 8 2008, p.8
Hopper, Mark. Catch of the day: Jumping frog, The Guardian, May 8 2008
Navarro Fernández, Wendy. Wilfredo Prieto, ArtNexus, Nº68, Vol. 7, 2008, p.114
Perán, Marti. Wilfredo Prieto. ARTFORUM, March 2008 p. 380
Díaz-Guardiola, Javier. “Interview with WIlfredo Prieto”, ABDC, October 2007, p.38-39
Andrews, Max. Wilfredo Prieto ‘At lot noise and not many nuts: dysfunction and barbed humour’, Frieze, October 2007, p. 248-249
López Arbolay, Dalila. Les intuitions illogiques de Wilfredo Prieto, Parachute 125: La Habana Jan-March 2007
Anaïd Demir. Jardin des Tuileries. Journal des Arts, October 28 2006
Barriendos, Joaquín. La ciudad latinoamericana como reflexión estética. Lars, Nº5 2006
Barriendos, Joaquín. The IX Biennial of Havana. FlashArt, Nº248, May-June 2006
Castillo, Hector Antón. Wilfredo Prieto. ArtNexus, Nº58 Vol.4, 2005, p.340
Oliver, Conxita. El qüestionament de la cultura. AVUI, Nº9837, February 10t 2005
Peran, Marti, Wilfredo Prieto. Exit Express, Nº9, February 2005
Porcel, Violant. Los libros deshabitados. LaVanguardia, Culturas, January 26 2005
Molina, Ángela. Biblioteques i camins que es bifurquen. El Pais, January 20 2005
Sueza, Paula, Curator, January/March, 2005
Rattemayer, Christian. VIII Bienal de Habana. Artforum, vol.XLII, N°6, February 2004
Salgado, Gabriela. 8th Havana Biennial : The Bittersweet Taste of Utopia. FlashArt, January-February 2004, p.47
Noceda, José Manuel. Un texto infinito. Atlántica, Nº37, 2004, p.10
Papararo, Jenifer y Demkiw, Jains. Two perspectives on two collaborations. C Magazine, Winter, 2004
Rodríguez Enríquez, Hilda Maria. Palo porque boga y palo porque no boga. Giros en la octava bienal. Artecubano, Dossier Nº1, 2004, p. 16
Herzberg, Julia. ArtNexus, Nº52, 2004, p.86
Benítez Dueñas, Issa. ARCO 2004, ArtNexus, Nº53, p.98
Marx, Gary. Havana, Chicago. Tribune, November 20th, 2003
Gopnik, Blake. La Havana, an Air of Possibility. The Washington Post, November 16th, 2003
Mosquera, Gerardo. Del arte latinoamericano al arte desde América Latina. ArtNexus Nº48, April 2003, p.70
Antón Castillo, Héctor. El sediento sueña que bebe. La Jiribilla, April 2003
Works 1195 – 2012, Wilfredo Prieto, Mousse Publishing, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, La Habana, (2014)
Eighty nine drawings, Agpograf (2013)
The Emperor`s New Clothes (2012)
Before Everything, CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Comunidad de Madrid, Móstoles, Madrid (2010)
Los Impolíticos, PANI Palazzo delle Arti Napoli Mondadori Electa, Nápoles, 2010
Marroquí, Javier. y Arlandis, David, Cosas que solo un artista puede hacer, MARCO (Museo de Arte Contemporánea de Vigo) y MEIAC (Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo), 2010
Los Impolíticos, Palazzo delle Arti, Ed. Electa, Naples, 2010
Ordinary Revolutions, Contemporary Latinamerican Art, Museum Morsbroich Leverkusen, Leverkusen, Germany, 2009
Arte, Prezzo e Valore. Arte contemporanea e mercato, Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, SilvanaEditorial, Firenze, 2008
Greenwashing Environment: perils, promises and perplexities, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino, 2008
States of Exghange Artists from Cuba, Iniva (Institute of International Visual Arts), London, 2008
Schor, Gabriele (ed.), Held Toguether with water- Kunst aus der Sammlung Verbund- Vienna, 2007
Medina, Cuauhtemoc, Mute, McMaster Museum of Art, Hamilton, Canada, 2006 (cat)
Olivares, Rosa (ed.), 100 Artistas Latinoamericanos, Exit Publicaciones, Madrid, 2007
Juncosa, Enrique, López, Sebastián and Valdés Figueroa, Eugenio, The Hours, Visual Arts of Contemporary Latin America, Irish Museum of Art, Daros-Latinamerica, Zürich, 2005
Tannenbaum, Judith and Morales, René, Islas Naciones: Arte Nuevo de Cuba. La República Dominicana, Puerto Rico y la diáspora, Rhode Island School of Design Museum, Providence, Rhode Island, 2004
Hlavajova, Maria and Mosquera, Gerardo, Cordially Invited, BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, 2004
Who if not we should at least try to imagine the future of all this?, Thinking Forward, Amsterdam, 2004
Pera, Rosa, Doble seducción, INJUVE, Madrid, 2003
Mosquera, Gerardo and Francisco, Rene, Wilfredo Prieto, Centro Cultural Español, Havana, 2002
Awards and Grants
2013 Beca de Artes Plásticas Fundación Botín, Santander, ES
2011 Shortlisted for International Art Prize Diputació de Castelló, ES
2010 Shortlisted for Future Generation Art Prize 2010, Kiev, UA
2008 The Cartier Award, with residency in Gasworks, London, UK
Premio F Award, Buenos Aires, BR
2007 Le Grand Café Residency Programme, St Nazaire, FR
2006 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, New York, US
2005 Kadist Art Foundation Residency, Paris, FR
2000 The 2000 UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts, VII Havana Biennial, CU
DUPP GROUP, Curatorial Prize 2000, Galería Habana, DUPP GROUP, Havana, CU
CIFO, Miami, US
Colección Cisneros, New Cork, US
Col·lecció Cal Cego, Barcelona, ES
Collection Museum of Old and New, Tasmania, AU
CA2M ,Comunidad de Madrid, ES
Daros Collection of Latinamerican Art, Zurich, CH
FRAC Corse, France, FR
Peter Norton Family Collection, California, US
S.M.A.K., Ghent, BE
Verbund Collection, Viena, AT