It is a translation of those emotions and concepts that can not be visualised in another way but in abstract painting because these emotions and concepts are abstract themselves. It is an act of freedom and exploration. The unusual medium with its own specific characteristics are appropriate and create singulair images that translate and tell the narrative with depth and compositions of colors and lines. There is movement, velocity and in every sense it is all about time and transformation. Due to the use of these characteristics like its fluidity creating images that are hazy, unsharp and diffused. In the end compositions of lines and strokes made with used engine (motor) oil on heavy paper and wood.
As an artist looks to translate those elements of life and movement, the history of time in the particular field and in this surge finds a new medium there needs to be an investment in gaining knowledge and craft. There it comes to control of the medium. Self criticism of those works and paintings and the question that they actually mean something and contribute is fundamental. Whether that is the case is beyond the artist's reach after it is released to world. But the works are not in a way autobiographical or stories that come from what happened to me as an individual in any sense, it is intended to be way more universal, metaphysical and monumental than that. Of heritage maybe.
The Oilfields are made with used motor oil from different cars and engines that I put to paper or wood. The pallet of colors is extended every time I get a can of oil. Also I run out of certain colors that can not be replaced, they all have their own specific tone and characteristics. Defined by the engine, the use and care of the car by its owner.