Upcoming Exhibitions
The world beyond the house, Lucien De Gheus Museum, curated by Reniere en Depla 27/05 - 24/09
Artefact - The Ecstatic Being, STUK Leuven 08/06 - 25/06
Group exhibition at Galerie Fleur en Wouter, Amsterdam 24/06
Past Exhibitions
Glyph, Duo exhibition with Pascal Vilcollet, Romero Paprocki, Paris (FR)
Standing water singing stones, Duo exhibition with Imge Ozbilge, Whitehouse Gallery
Art Antwerp, booth Whitehouse Gallery
Façade, CBK Zeeland, Middelburg, NL
Titre: Sans Titre, tribute to Caroline van den Eynde, DMW Gallery
Galerii Luxfer, Lipa Art collection, CZ
Praalzucht, Group exhibition, Antwerp Art Weekend
Art Rotterdam, Whitehouse Gallery, NL
Plooien langs de stippellijn, Group Exhibition, met o.a. Michael Borremans, Carole Vanderlinden,…, Hulst, NL
Lust For Life, group show, with Stefan Rinck, Ralf Kokke…, De Melkerij, Veltem Beisem
Lipa Art Collection, ruimte Caesuur, Middelburg, NL
Print op het witte paard, Duo exhibition with Yasmine Willems, Middelburg, NL
3 24 51 76, Krugerplein 13, Group exhibition, Antwerpen
Zillion Forefathers, Duo show with Anastasia Bay, Whitehouse gallery, BE
Ernest Albert, Group exhibition, De Garage Mechelen, BE
Potluck, Blauwhaus, Sint-Niklaas, BE
Zweefkracht-Zwaartevlucht, Sculpture Biennale, Hof ter Saksen
Krasj Ninove, BE
Ballroom Project, Antwerp, BE
Boulevard van schoonheid en troost, Terneuzen, NL
Belgicart, Stichting Ijsberg, Damme, BE
Sporen in het landschap, Moerbeke, BE
Niemand is een eiland, Kunstenfestival Damme
Showcase 1, Presentation at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brussels
Das-Dingenen, CC Zwanenberg, Heist-op-den-Berg
Christmas exhibition, Kersgallery, NL
Ballroom Project
Art Rotterdam - booth White House Gallery
New Magical realism - The Minories - Colchester - UK
Blauwhaus - a project by Wim Wauman - Waasmunster
100 Sculptors of tomorrow - coming out september 3 - Thames and Hudson
High Five High - Duo with Roel van der Linden - KersGallery - Amsterdam
Velvet Ropes - Showhouse Jay Jay - Antwerp
Blessed be our Ship and those who sail her, Duo show at The White House Gallery, together with Samuel Vanderveken
Summer exhibition at Christoffer Egelund Galleri Copenhagen
Vienna Contemporary with Greet Van Autgaerden, Stefan Serneels, Warre Mulder, booth White House Gallery
Group exhibition gallery artists, New Whitehouse Gym, White House Gallery
Transplantoux, connected by art, fundraising exhibition,Verbeke Foundation
Kersentuin, group show with Joep Van Lieshout, David Bade, Laura Eckert a.o., Kers Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
The Ball is in Your Court, Denie Put, Lysandre Begijn, Vyvy Zwevenpoel, Guy Vording and Warre Mulder at Showhouse Jay Jay, Antwerp
2 years DMW artspace, editions of the past 2 years
Avond met Vleeshal, vervaardiging placemat, Vleeshal Middelburg, the Netherlands
'So you don´t get lost in the neighboorhood' Vleeshal Middelburg
Bright, group installation, CC Mechelen/ De Garage. organised and partly created by Samuel Vanderveken with Warre Mulder, Stefan Jaeschke, Sofie Ramos, Bonno Van Doorn & Arthur Stokvis.
De held zwemt altijd stroomopwaarts, Duoshow with Tom Poelmans, DMW Art Space.
No Modulor no more, Group exhibition with Warre Mulder, Caroline Coolen, Anton Cotteleer, Paul Gees, Sofie Muller, Nadia Naveau, Michael Pycke, Edith Ronse a.o.
Wat de rups het einde noemt, solo show, The white house gallery
Born in Antwerp 75 multipels Sint Lucas
Gogogogo, groupshow DMW Art Space, with Federico Acal, Michiel Ceulers, Maxime Christiaensen, Johan Gelper, Saori Kuno, Warre Mulder, Denitsa Todorova,Timo Van Grinsven
BuitenBOORD, with Edith Ronse, Kelly Schacht, Niko Van Stichel, Frida Van de Winkel, ... Groot Begijnhof, Gent, BE
Selection and exhibition prijs Mark Macken, Antwerp, BE
Temple of Maybe, with Buren (Oshin Albrecht en Melissa Mabesoone), Dominiek Colpaert, Geert Koekoeckx, Warre Mulder, Tom Poelmans, Samuel Vanderveken en Katleen Vinck. Paviljoen (in collaboration with HISK, SMAK, KASK), Gent, BE
Pandaemonium, with Geert Koekoeckx, Jo Foulon, Samuel Vanderveken, CC Gasthuis, Aarschot, BE
BHKFK, with Kasper De Vos, Nick Ervinck, Geert Koekoeckx, Rolf Mulder, Nadia Naveau, Tom Poelmans, Edith Ronse, Emmanuel Van Hove, Tamara Van San, Marie Snauwaert, Niko Van Stichel & Lut Vandebos. Katleen Vinck, Frank Wagemans, Benjamin Brosens en Warre Mulder. vitrine Hoogstraten, BE
Magma crowded, Antwerpen, BE
Open Studio's, NICC
Time to pretend, Leuven
Once More, Unto the Breach, Dear Friends, Once More, Lokaal 01, Breda, NL
Tentoonstelling geselecteerde kunstenaars wedstrijd BNP Parisbas
Ontwerpen en vervaardiging van het prijskunstwerk voor de prijs van de overheidsmanager van het jaar, Vlaamse vereniging voor bestuur en beleid
Nununununu...(Solo) Yard Gallery Leuven, BE
Rond de put, curator Johan Pas Christine Clinnckx en Kris Van Dessel, met o.a., Vaast Colson, Benjamin Verdonck, Dennis Tyfus, …Putten van Ekeren, BE
Atlantische invasie, groepstentoonstelling n.a.v. Expo Benjamin Demeyere, Porto
Open studios, NICC
Ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space, nOna, Mechelen, BE
Magma II, Hardervoort, Antwerpen, BE
Der kulturen bloeme, (Solo) The Bries Space, Antwerpen, BE
How to stay awake?, Novylon, Antwerp, BE
Midnight coffee preview, Open studio, BE
To-get-ther(e), ASAP Genk, BE
Bedtimes duologues im Winter, BE
Gasthoven 10, CC Gasthuis, Aarschot, BE
Pleasure Ground, Lokaal 01, Breda, NL
Lost Hallway’, CC Mechelen, Mechelen, BE
Art Amsterdam 09, (Solo) with Koraalberg, Amsterdam, NL
‘Park3’, ‘Memories of glass’,Parkspoor Noord, Antwerpen, BE
‘Take Off 2009’, Koraalberg, Antwerpen, BE
‘Actuele kunst Labo’, Campus Delghust, Ronse, BE
Groeikamer, (Solo) Lokaal 01 Antwerpen, BE
Academiegasten with Tamara Van San, Frederik Albers & Vaast Colson, KASK, Antwerpen, BE
Afstudeerprojecten- Vrije Kunst, St-Lucas, Antwerpen, BE
TentVormen: Buitenissige bouwsels, De Fabriek, Eindhoven. NL