LUCA MONTERASTELLI was born in 1983 in Forlimpopoli, Italy. He works and lives in Milan, Italy. Monterastelli is developing and entirely individual, contemporary, sculptural vocabulary. His sculptures often consist of vertical, vaguely anthropomorphic forms, which create formal paradoxes that encourage the viewer to explore the work from up close. According to the American art critic Rosalind Krauss, a sculpture almost inevitably refers to the human body. The work of Monterastelli supports this idea. The titles of some of the works such as Only Hairs and Bones (2013) for instance, contain allusions to the physical imagination. Despite these bodily allusions, the artist makes primarily abstract work.
Monterastelli’s sculptures form an accumulation of geometric entities that each contain multiple, potential meanings. Aside from this playful formal language, his work is defined by his bold, robust choice of materials. Monterastelli clearly has a unique sense of materials and the mystery they evoke. As a spectator, one often does not know what material one is looking at. Is it cement or marble, limestone or linen?
Luca Monterastelli has already had several solo exhibitions, such as Villa Mondolfo, Como, Italy (2017), HIAP, Helsinki, Finland (2014), viafarini DOCVA, Milan, Italy (2013), Centre d’art contemporain Parc Saint Léger, Pougues-les-eaux, France (2012), Chez Néon Diffuseur d’Art Contemporain, Lyon, France (2012) and MARS, Milan, Italy (2011). He took part in several group shows, including La Triennale, Milan, Italy (2015), the 56th Venice Biennale, Italy (2015). His work has been shown at places including casa Testori, Novate Milanese, Milan, Italy (2014), Fondazione Bevilaqua la Masa, Venice, Italy (2014), Museo Marino Marini, Florence, Italy (2013) and Brown Project Space, Milan, Italy (2010).