Recently Deirdre McLoughlin exhibited in the international ceramic gallery Le Don Du Fel In France and architect /design writer Róisin Murphy wrote about her in the Irish Sunday Independent. The Chinese edition of the design magazine Wallpaper did a four-page feature on her earlier this year. She is currently selected for the prestigious ‘GYEONGGI INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC BIENNALE’ representing Ireland and the Netherlands. In 2018 she held a solo show with the Clara Scremini Galerie in Paris and exhibited in Museum Ariana Geneva. A "Waterwork’" was shortlisted for the Loewe Craft Prize 2018 and shown in London’s Design Museum. Her international CV is lengthy and full of surprises. We are excited about her upcoming show with us.
Looking at her work, inevitably the question comes up: How does McLoughlin do it? She keeps creating new stilled shapes which radiate unparalled purity using a very subtle visual language.
Rob Regeer has various passions and interests. One of them is walking in isolated mountainous regions. Another is the observation and meditation on trees - how the branches interplay with the sometimes sparingly placed leaves. He finds excitement in the tension between the lovability and the natural killer instinct of animals. All of these fascinations turn up in his works. In the landscape series mountains are reflected back in water. In the animal series the cold eyes of predators look out at you threateningly while contemplating: are you edible? The interplay of branches with sky and whirling leaves are abstracted into compositions of colour and movement. These paintings are full of colourful pits, as if Regeer has let loose a hail of shots at them. Here, just as in the animal series, there is the tension between nature and culture. His works will absorb and inspire you – familiar and strange at the same time.