Rijksmuseum will host an exciting exhibition of 90 works from the collection of Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Among Kusama, Monet, Dali, Picasso and more, you'll find pieces from Alicia Framis' fashion label anti_dog (2002-2003). The collection of garments made from twaron is dog bite-, fire- and bullet-proof, made in response to the vulnerability, racism and violence marginalized women face in public spaces around the globe.
To celebrate, Upstream Gallery will showcase an additional piece to the anti_dog collection called ANTI_DOG, COPYRIGHTING UNWANTED SENTENCES Birmingham from 2002.
Alicia Framis in Rijksmuseum with anti_dog
29 September, 2023 – 14 January, 2024
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Upstream Focus: Alicia Framis with anti_dog
29 September – 14 October, 2023
Kloveniersburgwal 95, Amsterdam