The work of Clary Stolte (b. 1970) is best described as object research painting, which consists of a meticulous examination of materials, properties and behaviour.
This leads to minimal but at the same time extreme interventions.
Besides paint, she uses industrial materials in her work but also contemporary ones that we know from everyday life. With a brush, she applies shampoo and acrylic dispersion to the canvas; she pours hair gel, smears haemorrhoid ointment and pours sugar water. The action defines the work.
Keywords within the oeuvre are rhythm, volume, humour, innovation, curiosity and experimentation. She explicitly names her work as painting.
Stolte searches for light and transparency. The many degrees of transparency depend on the material she paints with and the surface.
The surface reacts to the light present and reflects it. There is brilliance, shine.
For her, a presentation is also the pleasure of working in the studio communicating with the public.