Neon Memories by Nelleke Cloosterman and Alice Vanderschoot unfolds a fresh, contemporary world that simultaneously deviously embraces the past. Indebted to Surrealism and Pop Art techniques, the artists distort and de-contextualize elements from their everyday environment into brightly coloured, seductive works of art. With their shared fascination for references and lost symbolism, they challenge the collective memory. Cloosterman creates nature scenes that, although realistic looking, transcend the laws of logic. In atmospheric compositions packed with fragility and wonder, the artist uses classic vanitas motifs such as bells and butterflies to tell a highly personal story of identity development that can be universally sensed through the veil of mysticism. Vanderschoot isolates at first glance rather trivial objects and puts them, cocky and dipped in pastel colours, in the spotlight. The artist has an eye for the aesthetic lines of building constructions and translates this into beautiful, architectural supporting structures that contrast tensive with the soft colours and cartoonish, organic shapes. With a deceitful playfulness and naivety, the archetype, myth, and symbolic value of an image are explored. Cloosterman and Vanderschoot appropriate the iconography and the collective aspect of visual language to pierce and transcend them through their own daily reality.