Opening - 06-11-2021
A transformative experience in which flat surfaces are raised to magical and fairytale-like forms is what Karen Sargsyan achieves with just a few materials. From 06 November to the 5th of December, Kergallery shows how Sargsyan has transformed pieces of paper, plastic, aluminum, or foam into three-dimensional sculptures with a deep layer, utilizing a glue gun, box cutter, and his instincts.
Sargsyan (né: 1973) grew up in Armenia but came to the Netherlands in 1998 due to political tensions and poor living conditions. Where Sargsyan was a sports teacher in his native country, he regains his art ambitions in the asylum seekers' center and is admitted to the prestigious Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam in 2006. Only a year later Sargsyan wins the Thieme award for the best performance during the annual open ateliers at the Rijksakademie.
Sargsyan's figures are theatrical, compelling, and are devoted to human characters who bring a tragic or comedic vision of life. Sargsyan's scenes refer to a history that often forms the basis of books and myths. At Kersgallery, the viewer can be amazed by masked figures in graceful poses, like dancers frozen in their movement. Despite their poses, in which the figures look like they’re momentarily holding their breath, it seems that these people can awaken or come back to life at any given moment.
Discover Sargsyan's work and be amazed by drama, movement, and expression with surprising detail, springing from a paper universe.
The base of my work is to show pure essence of human being. I look at the influences that people undergo in their life the same way as I look at a theaterplay. I want to show this play. My work does not consist of static images, but shows an active process.
Karen Sargsyan