Galleries have their own etiquette that ensures that visitors know how they should behave. Those who know this etiquette feel at ease, those who don’t feel uncomfortable. By taking discomfort as the theme for this exhibition, we want to take this feeling away from new visitors. In the exhibition you will come across unexpected, alienating and humorous paintings, drawings and sculptures.
Jans Muskee was once called the master of the inappropriate nude by the Volkskrant. In his drawings we see hidden desires and sexual fantasies in an everyday environment. As a viewer you feel like a voyeur. Through small details, like a tattoo on a girl's back of a heart with his own name in it, Jans brings lightness into his oil crayon drawings. He works in an almost photorealistic technique, just like Thijs Jansen. Thijs' paintings are about personal memories of everyday situations, such as a deep fat fryer on the balcony at night. The titles and small references give his work unexpected deeper layers. On closer inspection, a black, abstract-looking painting turns out to be a detailed scene in a darkroom.
Johan Kleinjan documents the world around him in booklets full of drawings, photographs, business cards, newspaper articles, diary fragments, descriptions of dreams and flyers. The most beautiful specimens will be on display in the exhibition. They show how Johan sees the world: as a collection of absurd stories. Gees Voorhees also tries to capture humorous situations in her work. For this exhibition she made interactive, spatial word jokes with a cuddly character. They depict moments that arise from misunderstandings, or moments when Gees does not hear someone properly.
Koos Buster shows new works from his series of ornamental plates of almost everything he doesn't like. As his subject he chose uncomfortable people like Dutch television host Johan Derksen: someone who we really don't like. But Koos' work is also humorous because of the clumsiness of the portraits and the sometimes obvious subjectivity of his choices. Because who doesn't like Cristiano Ronaldo?