As an alternative to Drawing Now Paris art fair which has been postponed to March 2021, Martin Assig and Ronald Versloot will show their drawings in the gallery as of 14 June. Paul van der Eerden and Romy Muijrers who would also exhibit in Paris show their collaborative Suite project in November in the gallery.
Martin Assig (1959) presents work from his St. Paul series in which he depicts the basic themes of human existence in a moving and poignant way. Often there is a combination of text and image as in the work of Paul Klee to which the title of the series refers.
Ronald Versloot (1964) has been working on a series of pastel drawings in his Berlin studio in the months before and during lock down. In the series he undertakes an inward journey along memories dreams and images. The images can have an atmosphere of paradise lost or estrangement but each one is conceived in a spirit of hope and beauty, which turns things around into a Paradise (re)Found.
Tobias Gerber (1961) made a series of gouaches titeld Aus der schwarzen Kiste (From the Black Trunk) in 2016. In them you look through a keyhole out on a landscape. They are depicted in soft pastel colours but nevertheless contain slightly disturging elements like a fire in the distance or the chimneys of an oil refinery. One of the keyhole gouaches is part of the Unlocked / Reconnected project that draws attention to the reopening of museums and exhibition platforms venues in the Netherlands. More information at
The fourth artist in Drawing Now is the young Chinese talent Dan Zhu (1985), who creates a magical world in a refined style in which for instance mussels can string together like a stick and walk on the beach probing the sand woth tiny feelers. In another work you look out of a train window where leaves, flowers, flying creatures and planets pass by as in a dreamed journey in which everything has its meaning.