We are proud to present the first exhibition by Mauricio Limón de León at Ellen de Bruijne Projects.
By formulating the notion of “Non-verbal” Limón raises questions about the relationship between fantasy and language from a dialectical perspective: When does fantasy detaches from language? How does language create fantasy? Does thinking about sexuality as a principle of any power structure lead to the materialization of fantasy?
Through a symbology inspired by organs of pleasure, a set of nonverbal fantasies evokes a narrative that moves away from language structures and its formulas of interpretation. Using raw materials, such as henequén (sisal) clay, potassium alum, copal, volcanic stone and silicone, Limón reproduces a sort of genitalia or abstract pornography that seduces the gaze in various directions; from domesticity and privacy towards surplus enjoyment. This seduction is articulated or translated by the contrast between formats and techniques – taking painting as a matrix – and its deconstruction into objects and rudimentary supports that shape fantasies and desire in containers of comfort.
Mauricio Limón studied Visual Arts at Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, UNAM. His work explores diverse disciplines such as video, installation, drawing, painting and performance. Through this practice he approaches subjects related to the public domain, informal economy and the concept of the body in relation to its social inscription. The influence of curatorial and pictorial practice, cinematographic production, scholarships and residences in Mexico and abroad have marked his career.
Mauricio Limón de Léon was a resident at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2016-2017) where he developed a body of work based on theories of power and sexuality. Limón received the Jóvenes creadores (2011) grant for the final part of his project ¡Con todo el respecto que usted me merece! and the annual grant of The Pollock-Krasner Foundation (2010). His work has been shown in Mexico, US and Europe in: Rozenstraat 59, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2017); Pinchuk Art Center, Kiev, Ukraine (2014); Galería Hilario Galguera (2017, 2014, 2008), Museo Tamayo (2014), Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil (2014) and Museo de Arte Moderno (2009), Mexico City, Mexico; KunstMuseum Bonn, Germany (2013); Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (2011) and San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco (2010), US; Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles (2010) and Museo de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (2005), Spain
Ellen de Bruine PROJECTS
Singel 372
1016 AH Amsterdam
t. +31 6 494 85 207