Transparency is a layer which drifts over or in front of that what we want to examine and comprehend. By itself, transparency is imperceptible, invisible, non-existent. If not for those subjacent layers, there was no reasoning for transparency, nor need for it.
In his new series of works, Jens Pfeifer examines and visualises the phenomena of transparency by questioning its qualities and applying it upon the cultural, social or political context of the topic.
The sculptural works offer the viewer an understanding of the interrelation between the different layers of information and knowledge between art, science and socio-politics, without revealing the mysterious sensation they comprise.
In the series of smaller sculptures titled ‘Exercises in Observation’, references to recent global occurrences - such as the pandemic, colonial structures and ecological changes, are juxtaposed in a playful, ingenuous way, while in ‘Fade to Black’ and ‘The Grit’ the artist shares with us his profounder interpretation of the concept of transparency.
Photo credits: Katrin Korfmann