Colour Analysis is part of Anne Geene’s Museum of the Plant. A work-in progress that she has been working on for a couple of years. The Museum of the Plant is a fictional, slightly absurd “museum” that focuses on all aspects of plants that other museums do not discuss. Coincidence, strange growth, social status, plants that grow in special places, plants with a special owner, etc.
Colour Analysis is part of the museum and will be shown for the first time at Galerie Caroline O’Breen. If you thought that a plant was only green, you could be mistaken.
Through photography Anne Geene archives, organizes, interprets and arranges the world around her. Later she analyses and catalogues this information in a seemingly logic way. Seemingly, because interpretation of the collected data is essentially personal and an ironic reference to our eagerness to organize and know everything.
In her work, the relationship between the photographic image and science is a central theme. She explores the issues of scientific objectivity and of photography as a medium used for this purpose. Although photography’s objectivity has been questioned many times, it is exactly this objectivity that gives it this probative power. Here is where she finds her inspiration.