A pair of kidneys, a money pouch, a caltrop, and a sphere-shaped figure are calmly hanging on a mobile. But this calmness is deceiving.
In One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache (2021), every element is hanging in a precarious balance, entirely dependent on the weight of the other elements.
Three of those elements reference The Misanthrope (1568) by Pieter Breugel the Elder. Turning its back on the world, Breugel’s misanthrope has his money pouch stolen by the sphere-like figure and is about to walk in a series of caltrops. Daan Gielis has adapted these elements and positioned them on the outer edges of a mobile, forever in suspended animation. This prevents the sphere-like figure from snatching the money pouch, but rather keeps them in balance. And as long as this standstill is maintained, the misanthrope won’t step into the caltrops.
It is a precarious balance, to be sure. This is emphasized by the fourth element in the mobile, which adds a more personal touch: a pair of human kidneys. Kidneys keep our blood clean; they detoxify our system. In One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache they tell the artist’s personal story of looming kidney failure, but they also have a bigger story to tell: the world can be a toxic place and we often long to turn our back on it, but what we really need is a pair of good working kidneys, both real and metaphorical, that can detoxify our system.