Tom McGlynn
M.F.A., Hunter College, NY, NY
B.F.A., Ramapo College, NJ
Selected One-Person Exhibitions
2023 Tom McGlynn, “What Gives”, Rick Wester Fine Art, NYC , May 9-June 30, 2023
2020 Tom McGlynn, “At Present” New Paintings, Rick Wester Fine Arts, NYC
2018 Tom McGlynn, “Standards”, Walsh Gallery, Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ
2017 Tom McGlynn, “Station, Decal, Survey. Paintings”, Rick Wester Fine Art, NYC
2016 Tom McGlynn, “Quotidian, Photographs”, Drawing Rooms, Jersey City
2014 Tom McGlynn: “Geochromatic Index”,
2012 “Very Much Like (Pictures of Nothing)”, paintings and sculptures, Hamilton
Square, Jersey City,
Tom McGlynn, Paintings and Sculpture, Hoffstetter Gallery, Pingry School, NJ
2009 “Path Paintings and Drawings”, Green Mountain College, Poultney, Vermont
2008 “Color Fields and Paths”, Castleton State College, Castleton, Vermont
2007 “Wonder” (video installation), Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
2004 “Test Patterns: Paintings and Drawings”, Raritan Valley Community College, NJ
2001 Mural Installation, Art Resources Transfer, NY, NY
1999 “New Paintings”, Art Resources Transfer, NY, NY
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 “Singing in Unison” curated by Phong Bui at multiple venues including the Scully
Tomasko Foundation, Below Grand and Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York City
2020 “Passing Bittersweet” , curated by Elizabeth Johnson, Lafayette College, PA.
2019 “Form and Intent”, curated by Bogumila Strona, Abstract Project, Paris, France
“Thisness and Whatness”, curated by Scott Reeds, Felician College, NJ
“Circles and Squares”, Rick Wester Fine Art, NYC
2018 “Reflections”, curated by Majla Zeneli, Maniere Noire, Berlin, Germany
2017 “Tremolo”, Rick Wester Fine Art, NYC
2016 “Reunion”, QuadrArt, Dornbirn, Austria
2015 “Seltsame Kinder”, curated by Hoger Stark, Maniere Noire, Berlin, Germany
2015 “Minimax”, Bullet Space, NYC
2015 “Pangrammar”, curated by Prem Krishnamurthy, P! Gallery. NYC
2015 “For Machine Use Only”, curated by Mohammad Salemy, Schneiderei ,Vienna
2013 “Paper Goods”, curated by Kara Rooney, Susan Eley Fine Art, NYC
“Out of Step”, curated by Brendan Carroll, NJCU, NJ
2012 “Extrapolations: The Influence of Tony Smith”, Pierro Gallery, South Orange, NJ
2011 “Mob”, Bullet Space, NYC
2011 “East of Fresno”, The Hatchery Art Spaces, Badger California
2009 “Paterson The City as Metaphor”, William Paterson University, NJ
2009 “Kuf-Mold”, Rotterdam, Holland
2008 “Kuf-Mold”, Jan Colle Gallerie, Ghent, Belgium
Drawing Exhibit, Pingry School Gallery, Martinsville, NJ
2007 “This is That”, Pace University, NY, NY
“Kuf-Mold”, Istanbul, Turkey
2007 “Lateral Attitudes”, Raritan Valley Community College, North Branch, NJ
2006 “New Video” JC, Jersey City Museum, Jersey City, NJ
2004 “Drift”, a Site Specific Installation, Red Hook, NY
“The A/V Club, Art and Technology”, Victory Hall Cultural Center, Jersey City, NJ
2003 “Color Complexities”, JP Morgan Chase and Newport Art, Jersey City, NJ
“The Object: Color and Carrier”, Kresge Gallery at Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ
2002 “Conversation”, Tom McGlynn and Madeleine Hatz, Art Resources Transfer, NYC
2000 “Alumni Redux One”, Kresge Gallery at Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ
1999 “Skin Tight”, The Work Space at Dolgenos Newman and Cronin, NY, NY
“Fashioned”, White Box Gallery, NY, NY
1998 “Urban Encounters”, The New Museum, NY, NY
1996 “Counterculture: Alternative Information from The Underground Press to the
Internet”, Exit Art, NY, NY
Works in Selected Public Collections
The Whitney Museum of American Art, NY, NY
The Museum of Modern Art, NY, NY
The Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum of the Smithsonian Institution, NY, NY
Allbright Knox Collection, Buffalo, NY
Fogg Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Tang Museum, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs , NY
Getty Institute, Los Angeles, CA
Smith College, Northampton, MA
Staadt Museum, Berlin, Germany
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KA
Spencer College, Yale University, New Haven, CT
Victoria and Albert Museum, London England
Grants and Awards
2019 Sharpe –Walentas Studio Award, a grant for a one-year residency in the Sharpe-Walentas
Studio Program, Brooklyn, NY
2015 NYPOP Curatorial Award for the curation and mounting of Plain Sight, an exhibition of
New York artists engaged in recent aspects of post- minimal presentation and held at Western
Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. sponsored by the NYPOP program of The University Of
Massachusetts, Amherst
2013 Apexart Franchise Grant, for the conceptualization, curation and organization of Memphis
Social, a socially -engaged exhibition (including an array over sixty of local and international
artists) encompassing issues of class, race and gender representation, held in multiple
institutional and non-traditional locations in the city of Memphis, Tennessee.