CV FRANS VAN LENT (Rotterdam, 1955)
1974 - 1979: Art Education, Academie voor Beeldende Vorming, Tilburg (BA)
2012 - 2014: Fine Art, HKU, Utrecht (MA)
EXHIBITIONS / SCREENINGS (selection - 2000):
2025: KunstRAI Amsterdam, Studio Seine (group)
2024: De verplaatsing, Pictura, Dordrecht (solo)
2023: Elementen, StichtingKunstWerkt, Schiedam (NL)
2023: 2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2+1, Studiobuilding Singel 222, Dordrecht (NL)
2023: Someplace else, Intercity, with Adrian Wood, Out-of-Site, Chicago (US)/Rotterdam (NL)
2023: Equinox – Same but Different, September, Hof, Dordrecht (NL)
2023: Door de heg, B.A.D., Rotterdam (NL)
2023: Equinox – Same but Different, March, Hof, Dordrecht (NL)
2022: The Pictura Prize 2022 was awarded to the work Untitled (2021)
2022: De Leegte, performance festival & expo, Pictura, Dordrecht (NL)
2022: By Way of Detour, Borgerstraat Studios, Rotterdam (NL)
2021: La Biennale de Momon Symposium, Dordrecht (NL)
2021: STRE!FEN, performance festival, Görlitz-Zgorzelec (GE/PL)
2021: Residency, AADK, Murcia (SP)
2021: 2nd Nieuwstraat Festival, Dordrecht (NL)
2021: The Human Landscape, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, Alacant (SP)
2021: Waterdicht, Ode aan het Landschap, Fort Maarsseveen (NL)
2021: alles gaat door, Studio Seine, Rotterdam (NL)
2021: Screening My Pandemic Year, Worm, Rotterdam (NL)
2021: Mirrored – Photo Performance, MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Helsinki (FI)
2021: La Biennale de Momon,
2020: Nieuwstraat festival, Dordrecht (NL)
2020: EN NU, Pictura, Dordrecht (NL)
2020: Festival Performance Mínimas Urbanas en vídeo
2020: A chair as any other, What Remains festival, DfbrL8r, Arc Gallery, Chicago (USA)
2019: PiPe performance festival, Pictura, Dordrecht (NL)
2019: Rules to Play By, The Flow Gallery, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO (USA)
2019: Mêkh-web, Quartair, Den Haag (NL)
2019: De Nacht, performance, Pictura, Dordrecht (NL)
2019: The Nature of Things, Studio Seine, Rotterdam (NL)
2019: Mnemonics (with Susana Mendes Silva), Hangar, Lisbon (PT)
2019: Art D ‘Cicle d’Art Accio (with Eila Torrecilla), Valencia (E)
2019: Residency at Hangar, center for artistic research, Lisbon (PT)
2019: Het Binnenhuis, performative installation, …Ism Project Space, Den Haag (NL)
2018: Morni Hills Performance Art Biennale II, Badisher, Morni Hills, Panchkula, Haryana (IN)
2018: Open Performance Academy | Art Science Hunger, Worm Ubik, Rotterdam (NL)
2018: PROPS Performance Art Weekend, Gent (BE)
2018: Rules To Play By, the Flow Gallery, St. Louis, MO, (USA)
2018: TheParallelShow GrandeFinale, NP3 Groningen (NL), Geylight-Projects Brussels (BE)
2018: TheParallelShow, book presentation/performance, Kunsthal, Rotterdam (NL)
2018: De Plint, with Saskia Meesters, Dordrecht (NL)
2017: Urban Emptiness Nicosia, Nicosia (CY)
2017: Salon der Leden, Pictura, Dordrecht (NL)
2017: kann weg, Vestischer Künstlerbund Recklinghausen, Recklinghausen (D)
2017: Views on Landscapes, Reuten Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)
2017: Apprentice/Master (Kunstpodium-T), TAC, Eindhoven (NL)
2017: The Swap, Pictura, Dordrecht (NL)
2017: ???, Studio Seine, Rotterdam (NL)
2017: TheParallelShow#10, The Met Cloisters, New York (USA)
2016: TheParallelShow#9, Stasimuseum, Berlin (D)
2016: TheParallelShow#8, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia (E)
2016: Belgium Performance Festival,’How to document a performance’, VUB, Brussels (B)
2016: Code Rood, Sonsbeek ’16: ‘MOVING IMAGES/Comrades, let’s learn to shoot!’, Arnhem (NL)
2016: Unnoticed Art Festival #2, Nijmegen, (NL)
2016: Performative installation Nachtplaats., Buitenplaats Koningsweg, Arnhem (NL)
2016: TheParallelShow#2 – #7, Leiden (NL), Leuven (BE), London (GB), Rotterdam (NL), Delphi (GR), Dordrecht (NL)
2015/2016: Baracca: Inside Job, various locations
2015: TheConceptBank Festival Package, Wereld van het Witte de WithKwartier, Rotterdam,(NL)
2015: The Pictura Prize 2015 was awarded to the work 09/30 – 13:35
2015 The ParallelShow#1, with Ieke Trinks, Ienke Kastelein, Kunsthal, Rotterdam, (NL)
2015: TheConceptBank-presentation, Wolfart, Rotterdam, (NL)
2014: Unnoticed Art Festival Symposium, Pictura, Dordrecht, (NL)
2014: Unnoticed Art Festival, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, (D)
2014: Unnoticed Art Festival, Haarlem, (NL)
2014: ‘Inframince’, installation, Reuten Gallery, Amsterdam, (NL)
2014: Performance ‘Damp’, EX-MÊKH, BuroRotterdam, Rotterdam, (NL)
2013: ‘Vides Void’, Reuten Gallery, Amsterdam, (NL)
2013: ‘Look on the Bright Side’, Galerie Sanaa, Utrecht, (NL)
2013: ‘Once More..’, Lokaal 01, Breda, (NL)
2013: ‘Baracca: Ritual and Practice’, Bureau Rotterdam, Rotterdam, (NL)
2012: ‘Kunstvlaai’ with Baracca and with MaHKU, Amsterdam, (NL)
2012: ‘Crossing’ with Andrea Radai, Reuten Gallery, Amsterdam, (NL)
2012: ‘Re:Rotterdam’ Art Fair, Rotterdam, (NL)
2012: ‘Lens Based’, Reuten Gallery, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011: ‘Baracca: Altar’, Gemak, the Hague, (NL)
2011: ‘Art Amsterdam’, Reuten Gallery, RAI, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011: ‘Low Lives 3’ International Festival of Live Networked Performances
2011: ‘Crossing’, Filmtheatre Cinode, Dordrecht, (NL)
2010: ‘Tapetenwechsel’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Dordrecht, (NL)
2010: ‘Exist-ence 3’, Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts, Brisbane, (AUS)
2010: ‘Breakers’, 38CC, Delft, (NL)
2010: ‘Exist-ence 2’, White Canvas Gallery, Brisbane, (AUS)
2009: ‘Huis Clos’, Reuten Galerie, Amsterdam, (NL)
2009: ‘Das Chaos ist immer und ueberall’, G.A.S-station, Berlin, (DE)
2009: ‘A Book About Death’, Emily Harvey Foundation, New York, NY, (USA)
2009: International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam, (NL)
2009: Contemporary Art Screen Zuidas, Amsterdam, (NL)
2008: VHS-festival #15, Kunst&Complex, Rotterdam, (NL)
2008: Canariasmediafest 08, Gran Canaria (ES).
2008: ‘Here, there and Anywhere”, Meinblau E.V./Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin (DE)
2008: ‘aan het werk 5’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Dordrecht, (NL)
2008: 21. European Media Art Festival, Osnabrueck, (DE)
2008: ‘Straight Lines’, Pictura, Dordrecht, (NL)
2007: ‘Moving images in public space’, Virtual Museum Zuidas, CASZuidas, Amsterdam, (NL)
2007: ‘Am Rande, Installationen und Videoarbeiten’, Pyramide, Berlin, (DE)
2007: Grenzwachturm Schlesischer Busch (Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben), Berlin, (DE)
2007: 12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07, Wroclaw, (POL)
2007: Galerie 32-34, Amsterdam, (NL)
2006: Onetakefilmfestival, Zagreb, (CR)
2006: De Einder, Sala d’Exposicions del Govern, Andorra
2006: Artist in residence, Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben, Berlin, (DE)
2006: ‘Facts.figures’, MOP projects, Sydney, (AUS)
2006: ‘Straight Lines’, Kunstonderneming Oosterkade, Groningen, (NL)
2005: ‘Des Choses simples’, Théâtre de la Photo, Nice, (FR)
2005: ‘De Einder’, project POACH, De Hollandse Biesbosch/Pictura Dordrecht, (NL)
2004: ‘De Einder’, project DOOR, La Forge, centre for contemporary arts, St. Colombe sur l’hers, (FR)
2004: ‘MUUR’, installatie, Kunstkerk, Dordrecht, (NL)
2004: ‘aan het werk 3’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Dordrecht, (NL)
2004: ‘Landschap en figuur, werk uit de collectie’, Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht (NL)
2002: Galeria Les Punxes, Barcelona, (ES)
2002: ‘Homenatge a Pilar Riberaygua’, Galeria Pilar Riberaygua’, Andorra la Vella, Andorra, (AN)
2002: ‘Bosc’, La Forge, centre for contemporary arts, St. Colombe sur l’hers , (FR)
2002: ‘Presence’, Pictura, Dordrecht, (NL)
2002: ‘aan het werk 2’, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Dordrecht, (NL)
2000: ‘Dutch photography and video’, Erasmushuis, Jakarta, Indonesia (IND)
PUBLICATIONS (selection):
2024: Mister Motley, Alex de Vries, Onopgemerkte kunst – op atelierbezoek bij Frans van Lent
2018: Book, TheParallelShow
2015: Book, Unnoticed Art, with Jap Sam Books
2014: Founder of the database The
2014: Initiator/founder of the Unnoticed Art festival
2000-2020: Tutor, Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, (NL)