Mongezi Ncaphayi
Born 1983, Benoni, South Africa
Lives and works in Cape town, South Africa
Certificate in Advanced Studies, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA.
Professional Printmaking Certificate, Artist Proof Studio, Johannesburg, South Africa.
2005 National Diploma of Arts & Design, Ekurhuleni East College Arts School Johannesburg, South Africa.
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa, “Let the Waters Settle...”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), Cape Town, South Africa,” Investec Cape Town Art Fair.”
SMAC Gallery, The Civic Centre, Lagos, Nigeria, “ART X Lagos” SMAC Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,” Of the seeking or the finding.”
SMAC Gallery, Somerset House, London, UK, “1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair.” David Krut Projects, Johannesburg, South Africa,” Anecdotes of Sound.”
An augmented exhibition presented in collaboration with SMAC Gallery, TMRW Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,“ Astral Blues.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa,” Which Way is East?” David Krut Projects. New York City, USA,“ Mongezi Ncaphayi at DKNY.”
The Vault - The São, Cape Town, South Africa,” Which Way is East?”
SMAC Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,” Journey to the One.”
Absa Art Gallery, Johannesburg: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU).
Port Elizabeth: Spin Street Gallery, Cape Town: Alliance Française Pretoria, Pretoria: Kwazulu Natal Society of the Arts (KZNSA) Gallery, Durban, South Africa,” Spirit's Response by Mongezi Ncaphayi (Travelling Exhibition).”
Bloom Galerie, Geneva, Switzerland,” Inner Landscapes.” Gallery Kiche, Busan, South Korea,” Artbusan.”
Gallery Kiche, Seoul, South Korea,” Fifty Sounds.”
SMAC Gallery, Fiera Milano City, Milan, Italy,” MiArt.”
Cape Town International Convention Centre (CRCC), Cape Town, South Africa,” Investec Cape Town Art Fair.”
Norval Foundation, Cape Town, South Africa,” The Norval Sovereign African Art Prize Finalists Exhibition.”
FNB Art Joburg, SMAC Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,” The Norval Sovereign African Art Prize Finalists Exhibition.”
SMAC Gallery, Digital Event,” Investec Cape Town Art Fair.”
SMAC Gallery. Cape Town, South Africa,” Gather.” Stellenbosch Triennale, curated by Khanyile Mbongwa, Stellenbosch , South Africa,” Tomorrow there will be more of us.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTCC), Cape Town, South Africa,” Investec Cape Town Art Fair.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa,” That Was Then.” University of Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,” Ampersand Foundation Award 21 Years Celebration Exhibition.”
SMAC Gallery, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa,” FNB Art Joburg.” Cantor Art Gallery, Boston, USA,” Rethink ink: Juried Show.”
ABSA Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,” ABSA L'Atelier Finalist.” Peck School of Arts, Milwaukee, USA,” Making Connection.”
Turfs University Gallery, Boston, USA,” The Boston - JoBurg Connection.” Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa,” Filing in the Gaps.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC ), Cape Town, South Africa,” Investec Cape Town Art Fair.” Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa,” Print Promises.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa,” Wish You Were Here.” C-Gallery, Milan, Italy,” Aaa_bstract traveling.”
SMAC Gallery. Stellenbosch, South Africa,” Back to the Future, Abstract Art in South Africa: Past & Present.”
Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa,” Print Promises.” SMAC Gallery, Stellenbosch, South Africa,” PROOF.”
Trent Gallery. Pretoria, South Africa,” Atelier le Grand Village Lithos.”
SMAC Gallery, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa,” FNB Joburg Art Fair.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC), Cape Town, South Africa,” Investec Cape Town Art Fair.”
Arti et Amicitiae Society in association with Thami Mnyele Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands,” African Amicitiae.”
Galerie d'Art Contemporain de Chamalières (AMAC), Chamalières, France,” 10th World Triennial of Printmaking.”
ABSA Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa,” A Change in the Narrative: ABSA L'Atelier Winners Exhibition.”
David Krut Chelsea, New York City, USA,” /'Atmest/.” SMAC Gallery, Stellenbosch, South Africa,” X: Part III.”
SMAC Gallery, Somerset House, London, UK,” 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair.”
SMAC Gallery, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa,” FNB Joburg Art Fair.”
SMAC Gallery, Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa,” Cape Town Art for.”
SMAC Gallery, Stellenbosch, South Africa,” X: Part I.”
David Krut Projects, New York City, USA,” Salon Hang.”