Russe, Bulgaria, 1977
Lives and works in Amsterdam
Solo shows
Ongoing Retrospective (Chapter 3), Kunsthalle Basel, CH (upcoming)
Untitled, De Appel, Amsterdam, NL (upcoming)
Borrowed Splendour, Manifesta HQ, Amsterdam, NL (upcoming)
Borrowed Splendour, Fondation D’Enterprise Ricard, Paris, FR
Carnivalesque, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam, NL
Prediction, group exhibition at Mendes Wood, São Paulo, BR
Ongoing Retrospective (Chapter 2), Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, CH
Ongoing Retrospective (Chapter 1), Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, CH
Predictions, site specific performance designed for Robert Morris’ Observatory, Lelystad, NL
Borrowed Splendour, Frascati, Amsterdam, NL
Parallax, Plateaux festival, New Positions in Performing Arts, Kunstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main, DE
Parallax, NEU / NOW Festival, Vilnius, LT
Parallax, part of art manifestation ‘My Name is Spinoza’, Mediamatic, Amsterdam, NL
RE: Parallax, part of art manifestation ‘My Name is Spinoza, Mediamatic, Amsterdam, NL
Group shows, performances, screenings
Somethings Hidden, Framer Framed, Amsterdam, NL
Somethings Hidden, Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam, NL
Once More, With Feeling, KAF, Almere, NL
Come Together Festival, Frascati, Amsterdam, NL
Cruising, Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo, BR
Preformance Practices, Ellen De Brujne Projects, Amsterdam, NL
Printemps Carougeois, Carouge, CH
Extension du Domaine du Jeu, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, FR
The Violet Crab, David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK
Towards the Object, Museum of Contemporary Art, Rijeka, HR
Venir Voir Venir, Fondation Galeries Lafayette, Paris, FR
Made in Commons, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam, SMBA, Amsterdam, NL
Borrowed Splendour – part of Performatik, Brussels Performance Art Biennale, BE
Fugue – Rijksakademie Open, Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
Flipsides [1&2], part of Radical Languages, performance event, W139, Amsterdam, NL
Now We Do It for Real [4] with Hans Bryssinck, Beursschouwburg, Brussels, BE
Borrowed Splendour, Het Veem, Amsterdam, NL
Now We Do It for Real [1, 2 & 3] with Hans Bryssinck, Het Veem Theater, Amsterdam, NL
B-Side, Living Room Festival, Brussels, BE; Extrapool, Nijmegen, BE; Zeebelt, Den Haag, NL; Yzie, Alkmaar, NL; Het Veem, Amsterdam, NL
Some Here, Others not, part of ‘Domino Kingdom’, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL
A not B with Uta Eisenreich, Nieuwe Vide, Haarlem, NL
And all the men and women merely players, They have their exits and their entrances, Pieter Tjonck’s ‘Anthology’ event, Kaai Studio Theater, Brussels, BE
Déjà vu - Cultuurmijl, comissioned by SKOR / Performance Lab art in public space event, Enschede, NL
Room Temperature - part of Gasterbeiter Dating Exhibition, Mediamatic, Amsterdam, NL
Room Temperature - Product festival of contemporary art, Varna, BG
Borrowed Splendour - part of Staalstroom #5 exhibition, Paraplufabriek, Nijmegen, NL
Borrowed Splendour - Zlomvaz festival, Prague, CZ
Distraction of light - (with Thomas Myrmel) - Harstad City Gallery, Harstad, NO
Borrowed Splendour - Over Het Ij festival - Simmels Gelijk exhibition, Amsterdam, NL
Borrowed splendour - DasArts meets DeBank festival, Victoria, Gent, BE
Putsch - DasArts, Amsterdam, NL
Capsule - DasArts, Amsterdam, NL
Dialogue - (with Tammuz Binshtock), part of Navigators performance event, Melbourne International Arts Festival, Melbourne, AU
Perfect – part of Practicum 06a, Mediamatic, Amsterdam, NL
Theremin Concert - (with James Beckett), Museumnacht, Energetica Museum, Amsterdam, NL
Of Replicas and Restlessness - (with Adva Zakai), Bain::Connecive, Brussels, BE
Close to the Edge – (with Uta Eisenreich), ArtTableNederland, Aerdenhout, NL
Told - part of Plug-in event, P/////AKT, Amsterdam, NL
Clunk - (with Karen Roise Kielland), part of Dead Darlings art auction, W139, Amsterdam, NL
Dvoinikat - East Area Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
Map to Sine - (with James Beckett), part of ADAM exhibition, Smart Project Space, Amsterdam, NL
Hello stranger – (with Uta Eisenreich), KUNST RAI Close Connections program, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam, NL
XXX - (with Uta Eisenreich), East Area gallery, Amsterdam,NL
Paperview and 1.36 - part of Paradox exhibition, Expodium, Utrecht, NL
Paperview - part of Tobades Fugaces live-art event, Castell de la Bisbal d'Emporda, La Bisbal, SP
Shadow of doubt – (with Uta Eisenreich), part of Plug-in event, P/////AKT, Amsterdam, NL
Origami - (with Uta Eisenreich), Quarantine series, Loods 6, Amsterdam, NL
What happens before the kettle boils – (with Lala Rascic), Galerija Nova Showrooms, Zagreb, HR
Nesdaq – (with Uta Eisenreich), Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam, NL
Last minute news - Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Amsterdam, NL
Close to the edge - (with Uta Eisenreich), Lost and Found, Loods 6
Close to the edge - P/////AKT, Amsterdam, NL
Code - comissioned by Anet van de Elzen – Stichting Performance, Boulevard Festival, Den Bosch, NL
The Guests' show - (with Takashi Iwaoka), Melkweg Theater, Amsterdam, NL
Investigations of privacy - Phase 1 ; [fragile] - (with Sagi Groner), Lines of Conduct exhibition, Raid Projects, Los Angeles, US
UE - (with Takashi Iwaoka), DeBalie, Amsterdam, NL
2006 – 2008
DasArts, Advanced Studies in the Performing Arts, Amsterdam, NL
1995 – 1998
Queen Mary University College, London, UK
2012 – 2013
Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
Chair à concept, In Focus: Zhana Ivanova by Mariane de Douhet, I/O Gazette #55, FR, 2017
Scores of Visual Artists, Dancers and Musicians, interview with Min Oh for publication by Doosan Gallery, Seoul, KR, 2017
Damn That Man, artist contribution, SIC Intertrachional, NL, 2017
Typo: Images = Represented form, artist contribution, Stedelijk Studies Journal, Spring Issue, NL, 2016
Zhana Ivanova, Ongoing Retrospective at Kunsthalle Basel, preview by David Velasco, Artforum, January issue, 2015
Die Kunsthalle wird zur Chance für Basel, review by Simon Baur, Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, CH, 2015
Das Spiel mit der Erwartung, review by Karen N. Gerig, Tages Woche, CH, 2015
Zhana Ivanova en Rory Pilgrim, Metropolis M - No 2, Spring 2015
Land Art Live: Zhana Ivanova bij het Obseratorium van Robert Morris, review by Anne Reenders and Wout Hoogendijke, Public Gemaakt, NL, 2014
Prediction for an Occurence – artist contribution, Parking Lot Magasine, Issue 0, NL, 2014
De Lijstjes van Zhana Ivanova, review by Lauranne Staat, Mr Motley, March edition, NL, 2013
Een Obsessionele rankschikking, review by Moos van den Broek, Theater Krant, NL, 2013
Zhana Ivanova, Daan van Tricht, Mr Motley, November edition, 2012
Parallax' een geheugenspel in de geest van Spinoza, Paul Groot,, 2009
A Slow Dance for Z by Zhana Ivanova; contribution to True Riches – a program of live art at ICA, London, curated by Tim Etchells and Ant Hampton, 2009
Think Violent Thoughts – Zhana Ivanova over haar performances, Lieke Wouters and Menno Jonker, Desipienta Kunsthistorisch Tijdschrift, Issue 1, 2008
Waar is Kunst, Pieter T’Jonck, E-tcetera, January Issue, 2008
Zhana Ivanova, Emilian Gatzov, Kapital Light, March Issue, 2008
(Re)constructing Reality, Marieke Voeten, 8weekly, July Issue, 2008
Talent 2007: Zhana Ivanova, Chrystal Vesters, Metropolis M, Issue 4, 2007
Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin, Paris, FR
Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
Teaching / Mentoring / Advising
BEAR – ArtEZ, Arnhem (Performance tutor since 2018)
Master of Theater Practices, ArtEZ, Arnhem (Faculty member since 2017)
As guest teacher / advisor
Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, NL
DasTheater, Amsterdam, NL
School voor Niewe Danceontwikkeling (SNDO), Amsterdam, NL
Keuzevakken – Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Amsterdam
Koninklijke Academie van Beeldende Kunsten (KABK), Den Haag, NL
Dramaturgical advisor to a.o. Sarah van Lamsweerde (NL), Edit Kaldor (NL), Cille Lansade (BE), Adva Zakai (BE), Taldans (TR)
Selection committees
2017 - Master of Theater Practices, ARTEZ, Arnhem, NL
2015 - School voor Niewe Danceontwikkeling (SNDO), Amsterdam, NL