Dazzle Monument is a stand-alone sculpture lifted from Sep's project Neurotopia.
Artist Erik Sep has worked on his city installation Neurotopia for over a decade. With its current contours, the layout of Neurotopia is set as it has been presented in ever-changing contours at many exhibition venues. The surface consists of infrastructure and ‘building lots’. These lots give space for his buildings. These are all separate sculptures with their own finished pedestals. When a sculpture sells a lot becomes vacant for a new sculpture/building. As in vibrant cities like Berlin and Rotterdam in Neurotopia new and finished buildings stand alongside sculptures/buildings still being developed.
Through his miniature city, ‘Neurotopia’ Erik Sep depicts the way we give shape to and engineer our existence. By recreating our visible world, he opens a door to a parallel universe. In Neuropia the world as we know it seems to be right around the corner. Yet, in Neurotopia constructions and relationships are possible, which in reality are impracticable and would not fit the human scale.