“Diorama” is about our lost connection with nature and is inspired by the old dioramas from museums.
Dioramas are life-size, three-dimensional viewing boxes that show animals in their environment. They were built with great care in natural history museums from the beginning of the 20th century to reconnect urbanized people with nature. The use of forced per- spective created incredible depth, giving the viewer the impression of being able to see for miles across a room. Smart, incredibly beautiful but above all artifi- cial.
These artificial windows on nature are not only found in museums. The old square viewing boxes now have a modern digital version. Like dioramas, social media platforms use visual elements to give us a polished view of reality.
In many ways, modern society is completely discon- nected from nature. With the advent of modern tech- nologies and urbanization, many people are spending less and less time outdoors, away from nature, and more time in artificial environments. This disconnect has consequences including a lack of appreciation for the beauty and importance of nature, declining phys- ical and mental health, and a reduced understanding of the complex relationships between people and the natural world. It is important that people find ways to reconnect with nature.