Each painting of Inez Smit is built out of several layers that combine to a multi-dimensional pattern, whether the works are small or large. Sometimes the layers, different in lining, space or colour, follow each other or otherwise cross their paths. Then again they cover one another or seem to melt together. Some of the spaces are narrow, open and transparent, others are big and look bulky. And you may wander between front and behind, as everything in the painting is of equal importance. There is neither beginning nor end. It all seems to be just a fraction of one continuous space with architectural rhythms as a motif.
Smit always starts with a first set-up, which during the following process will have several interventions. Acrylic paint and canvas are the tools, whilst tape and oil paint do give a hand occasionally. The imprint of each former starting point remains visible at least in the texture. Then, according to the painter, an exciting order appears, which does not result from a set plan but out of the process of painting. You just may discover a pattern or repetition, but that is only seemingly so.