In Sigrid van Woudenberg’s older, figurative drawings, the shimmering of light and heat makes you end up in a mirage. You become hypnotized by these mirages and remain fascinated. Her drawings are almost photographic, like stills from a movie. The large formats show small human figures in an overwhelming nature. The smaller drawings zoom in precisely on that.
Van Woudenberg works associatively with paper, Siberian chalk and pencil. She sculpts her material very physically, like a sculptor and with great precision. In any case, the black is intensely deep in the foreground against a sharply contrasting white. The light tingles between the grey nuances. In the shadow of that light, with which the dark contrasts strongly, there is often an event.
Her new works show repeating, colorful and abstract patterns with many curves and shadows. The fascinating shapes resemble a string of tissues, which seem to vibrate, to breathe like living organisms. They are vague and at the same time cheerful. They appear larger than they are in size. Sometimes a poetic title betrays her inner world. You can wander undisturbed in all of Van Woudenberg’s drawings and she makes you part of an unbridled imagination.