A new series made especially for Art Rotterdam 2019.
Twelve text based works that visually work as one big installation. The texts were found in the spamfilter of the artist and are about status and likes. Not a word about how to achieve either one of those.
The sculptures are hand sawn in a distorted version of Arial. One of the ten Core fonts for the Web.
The original message as Post encoutered it in his spamfilter: “Status Liker, Photo Liker, Auto Like, auto like, Facebook Liker, autoliker, Autoliker, Facebook Auto Liker, Fb Autoliker, Increase Facebook Likes, Status Auto Liker, facebook auto liker, Autoliker Facebook, Facebook Autoliker, autolike, Photo Auto Liker, Auto Liker, auto liker, Autoliker, Working Auto Liker”