Ivan Grubanov
Born in Belgrade, 9th of March 1976
2008 Casa de Velazquez (The French Institute in Madrid, scholarship and research-oriented
residency), Madrid, ES
2005-2006 Delfina Foundation Studio Programme (Scholarship and practice-oriented residency),
London, UK
2002-2004 Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten (equivalent to University level PhD in Arts),
Amsterdam, NL
1996-2001 Academy of Fine Arts, Bachelor and Master of Fine Arts in Painting, Belgrade, YU
Teaching and Research Experience at University Level
2012-2013 Visiting Scholar in the class of Prof. Frances Scholz, Hochschule fuer bildende kunste
Braunschweig, University of Arts Braunschweig, DE
2005-2006 Guest Tutor, Konlijnke akademie, Den Haag, NL
2003 Visiting Artist, Akademie voor Kunst en Vormgeving, Den Bosch, NL
Work in Public Collections
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece
Deutche Bank Collection, Frankfurt, Germany
MUSAC (Museo de arte contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon), Leon, Spain
Collection Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland
Deutche Bank Collection, London, United Kingdom
Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade (MSUB), Serbia
Colección Esencias, Barcelona, Spain
Colección Vilardell, Mallorca, Spain
Collection of the Gallery of Contemporary Pancevo, Serbia
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2013 Loock Galerie, Berlin, DE, ‘Dead Flags’
2012 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, GR, ‘Current Pasts’ (with Vangelis Vlahos,
curated by Daphne Vitali))
2012 Loock Galerie, Berlin, DE, ‘Smokescreens’
2010 MARZ Galeria, Lisbon, PT, ‘Haunting Memory’ (associated project of the Architecture
2010 Loock Galerie, Berlin, DE, ‘Seven Studies for a Memorial’
2009 ARCO, Solo Projects, Madrid, ES
2009 Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, RS (solo show within the 50th October Salon,
Belgrade’s annual exhibition of international contemporary art)
2008 Loock Galerie, Berlin, DE, ‘The Evil Painter’
2008 Laboratorio 987, MUSAC (Museo de arte contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon), Leon, ES
2007 Le Grand Cafe Centre d’Art Contemporain, St Nazaire, FR, ‘Non-Institutional’
2007 Gallery of the Cultural Center of Belgrade, RS
2006 Nogueras Blanchard Gallery, Barcelona, ES
2005 Stroom Contemporary Art Center, Den Haag, NL (curated by Arno van Roosmalen)
2005 Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, SCG. ‘Visitor’
2004 Ron Mandos Gallery, Rotterdam, NL, ‘Study of My Father, a Relation to the Origin’
2004 Lawrence O’Hana Gallery, London, UK
2004 Expodium, Utrecht, NL, ‘Cages’
2001 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, YU
1999 Zlatno Oko Center for Visual Culture, Novi Sad, YU
Group Exhibitions – International Biennials and Triennials
2011 The 3rd International Festival of Contemporary Art of Algiers (FIAC), Museum of Modern
and Contemporary Art, Algiers, DZ, (curated by Nadira Laggoune)
2009-2010 2nd Spa Port Biennial, Banja Luka BH, ‘Where Everything is Yet to Happen’ (curated by
Antonia Majaca, Ivana Bago, Anselm Franke)
2009 28th Biennial of Graphic Arts, ‘The Matrix: An Unstable Reality’, Ljubljana, SLO
2008 3rd Bucharest Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest, RO (curated by Ami Barak)
2008 1st Spa Port Biennial, Banja Luka, BH
2007 10th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, TR (Curated by Hou Hanru)
2007 1st Thessaloniki Biennial, Thessaloniki, Greece, ‘Heterotopias’ (curated by Jan Erik
2006 12th Pancevo Biennial, Pancevo, RS (co-curator and participating artist)
2005 2nd Tirana Bienale, Tirana, AL, ‘Sweet Taboos” (curated by Hou Hanru)
2005 Manif d’Art, 3rd Biennial of Quebec, Quebec, CA
2004 The Yugoslav Biennial of Young Artists, Vrsac, SCG. ‘Untitled as Yet’
2004 11th Pancevo Biennial, Pancevo, SCG, ‘Values’
2001 15th International Triennial of Drawing, The Modern Gallery, Rijeka, CRO
Group Exhibitions – Museums and Institutions
2014 STUK Kunstencentrum, ‘Performing Protest?’ (curated by Wim Lambrecht), Leuven, BE
2014 Stroom Center for Contemporary Art, ‘The Good Cause’, The Hague, NL
2013 267 Quartiere für Zeitgenossische Kunst & Fotografie, ‘Der Geist in Vakuum”,
Braunschweig, DE
2012 Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, FI, ‘Reality Bites (curated by Eija Aarnio,
Leevi Haapala, Saara Hacklin, Patrik Nyberg, Jonna Strandberg)
2012 Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, GR, ‘A Gathering’ (curated by
Maria Thalia and Olga Hatzidaki)
2011 Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, DE, ‘Donumenta’ (curated by Miroslav Karic)
2011 MOCAK, Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow, PL, ‘History in Art’ (curated by Maria
Anna Potocka)
2010 Extra City- Kunsthal Antwerpen, BE, ‘Drawing Documents’ (curated by Anselm Franke)
2010 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, GR, ‘Politics of Art’ (curated by Anna
2010 Museu Colecção Berardo, Lisbon, PT, All That Is Solid Melts Into Air: The Social at the
Berardo Collection (curated by Miguel Amado)
2010 Witte de With, Rotterdam, NL, ‘Morality, Act 3, And the Moral of the Story is’ (curated by
Zoe Gray)
2009 City Gallery, Prague, CZ, ‘Monument to Transformation’ (curated by Vit Havranek)
2008 Kunsthalle Bern, CH, ‘No Leftovers’
2008 Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, CA, ‘Signals in the Dark’
2008 Henie Onstad Art Center, Oslo, NO, ‘Headlines & Footnotes’
2008 ARCOS, Contemporary Art Museum Sannio, Benevento, IT, ‘Italy Italien, Wlochy’
2007 Stedelijk Museum CS, Amsterdam, NL, ‘Drawing Typologies’ (curated by Roel Arkesteijn)
2007 Forum Stadpark, Graz, AT, ‘Ground Lost’ (curated by WHW collective)
2006 Le Grand Café Centre d’Art Contemporain, St Nazaire, FR,‘Histoires’ (curated by Sophie
2006 Drawing Center, New York, ‘Common Destinations’ (curated by Katherine Carl)
2006 South London Gallery, UK, ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ (curated by Margot Heller, Jens
Hoffman, Kit Kammonds and Claire Fitzsimmons)
2006 Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga, CA, ‘Everyday Every Other Day’ (curated by Seamus
2006 Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana, SLO, ‘Interrupted Histories’ (curated by Zdenka Badovinec)
2006 Kunsthalle Bern, CH, ‘Vila Jelmini’ (curated by Philippe Pirotte)
2005 Extra City-Kunsthal Antwerpen, BE, ‘Information/Transformation’ (curated by Wim Peteers)
2005 Kunsthalle Bern, CH, ‘Off-Key’ (curated by Philippe Pirotte)
2004 De Appel, Amsterdam, NL, ‘The World is Fine, We Ourselves Unfortunately Somewhat
Less’ (curated by Ritsaert ten Cate)
2004 Freiraum, Museumsquartier, Vienna, AT, ‘Coded Cultures’ (curated by Dunja Kukovec)
2004 Museum Beelden aan Zee, Scheveningen, NL, ‘Video Studio’
2003 Museum De Beyerd, Breda, NL, ‘Martha Colburn, Ivan Grubanov, Bas Louter, Serge OnenFuse’
2001 Museum of Voevodina, Novi Sad, YU, 'Resistances and Confrontations'
2001 Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowsky, Warsaw, PL, 'Under Construction'
2000 Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw, PL, 'Inside-Outside'
Group Exhibitions – Galleries and Non-Profit Spaces
2014 Francois Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles, USA, “Squares”
2014 Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, BH, “Put za Evropu /Mir, mir, mir” (curated by Mia David &
Zorana Djakovic)
2013 Universiteitsbibliotheek KU Leuven, ‘The Prelude Pathetique’, Leuven, BE (curated by Wim
2013 Ostrale ‘013, ‘Wir überschreiten den Rubikon’, Dresden, DE
2013 9th Inspiracje Festival, Szczecin, PL, ‘Genesis’
2013 Lanchester Gallery Projects, Coventry, UK, ‘We Are Everything to Each Other’, (curated by
Maja Ciric)
2013 Remont Gallery, Belgrade, RS, ‘Preslisavanje 10’, (curated by Sasa Janjic, Mica Karic,
Slobodan Jovanovic)
2012 Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE, ‘Referencing History; (curated by Jane Neal)
2012 Good Children Gallery, New Orleans, US, ‘That Passes Between Us’ (curated by Lala Rascic)
2012 Loock Galerie, Berlin (DE), ‘Private View’
2011 Apex Art, New York, US, ‘Walls That Divide Us’ (curated by Miguel Amado)
2011 Blainsouthern Berlin, DE, ‘Selektionseffekte’
2011 MARZ Galeria, Lisbon, PT, ‘Thin Air’
2010 Apex Art, New York, US, ‘Morality, Act 3, And the Moral of the Story is’ (curated by Zoe
2009 Arts center Vooruit, Gent, BE, ‘Courtisane Festival’
2009 Casa de Velazquez, Madrid, ES, ‘Los Puertas Abiertas’
2008 Iaspis, Stockholm, SE, ‘Between the Images’
2008 Hattyuhaz Galeria, Pecs, HU, ‘Wasteland’
2008 Institute for Contemporary Art and Thought, Athens, GR, ‘Selective Knowledge’
2007 Office Baroque, Antwerp, BE, ‘Alabama’
2007 SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, NL, ‘Every Wind That Blows’
2007 Aeroplastics Gallery, Brussels, BE, ‘Speakers’ (Curated by Ronald Ophuis)
2006 Lloyd Hotel, Amsterdam, NL, 'Rembrandt:Death, Dissection & Doctors' (curated by Kees
2006 Apex Art, New York, USA, ‘Sweet Taboos’ (curated by Edi Muka)
2006 PSWAR, Amsterdam, NL, ‘Pixels of Reality’
2006 Delfina, London, ‘MRKS & SPNCR’
2006 Serious Interests Agency, London, ‘Ambivalent Truths’
2006 Gallery of the Cultural Center of Belgrade, SCG, ‘Affinity by Choice’, (curated by Eric Corne)
2005 Press to Exit project Space, Skopje, MK, ‘20/21’
2005 Zvono Gallery, Belgrade, SCG, ‘20/21’
2005 Espace Culturel Francois Mitterand, Perigueux, FR, ‘Values’
2005 Ron Mandos Gallery, Rotterdam, NL, ‘Gala of the Year’
2004 Center in Galerija P74, Ljubljana, SI, ‘Share Like a Recipe’
2004 ART Rotterdam, NL, Smart Project Space stand
2003 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL, 'Open Ateliers'
2003 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, SCG, ‘Regional-Universal’
2002 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL, 'Open Ateliers'
2002 US Art Gallery, Stellenbosch, SA, ‘Violence-Silence’
2002 Chinese-European Art Center, Xiamen, CN, 'Rendezvous in Xiamen'
2002 Goethe Institute, Tel Aviv, IL, 'Violence - Memory'
2002 N.S.A. Gallery, Durban, SA, 'Violence'
2002 Nieubethesda, Great Karoo, SA, 'Silence'
2002 Outline & Kunstruimte NP40, Amsterdam, NL, 'Fake or Real'
2002 Gallery of the Cultural Center of Belgrade, Belgrade, YU, International Workshop ‘Glass’
2002 Josip Bepo Benkovic Gallery, Herceg Novi, YU, '35. Winter Salon'
2002 Publikum’s Calendar of New Art and Contemporary Life, Belgrade, YU
2001 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, YU, 'Resistances and Confrontations'
2001 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, YU, '31. Salon of Pancevo'
2001 Cinema Apolo, Pancevo, YU, 'Open Sensuality'
2001 Barutana, Belgrade, YU, '11th BELEF'
2001 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, YU, 'Glass'
2000 Rex, Belgrade, YU, 'Short Electronic Form Fair'
2000 Apolo Cinema, Pancevo, YU, 'Open Sensuality'
2000 Dvoriste Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo,YU, '30. October Salon'
2000 Cinema Apolo, Pancevo, YU, 'International Biennial of Sculpture'
2000 Graphic Colective Gallery, Belgrade, YU, 'Not a Day Without a Line'
1999 SULUJ Gallery, Belgrade, YU, 'The End of The Episode'
1999 Ljubljana, SI, 'BREAK 21', International Festival of Young Independent Artists
1999 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, YU, '29. October Salon'
1999 Palazzo Piazzoni, Vittorio Veneto, IT, '250 European Artworks'
1999 Marko Gregovic Gallery, Petrovac, YU, 'Collection of GCA Gallery Pancevo'
1999 KUD France Presern, Ljubljana, SI, 'Project AAAAAAAAAAA'
1999 Gallery of Contemporary Art, Pancevo, YU, 'Between Two Air-Raids'
1999 Youth House Gallery, Belgrade, YU, '28. Drawings and Small Scale Sculpture Exhibition'
1998 Cinema Apolo, Pancevo, YU, '28 October Salon'
1998 Konkordija, Vrsac, YU, The 3rd Yugoslav Biennial of Young Artists
Artist Monographs
2005 Ivan Grubanov, Visitor, Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade/Kunsthalle Bern, (texts by
Gerardo Mosquera, Marina Martic, Philippe pirotte, Ivan Grubanov)
2006 Documents Grubanov, Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, (editor Martijntje
Hallman, text by Ivan Grubanov)
2008 Ivan Grubanov, The Evil Painter, Verlag Fuer Moderne Kunst Nuernberg (texts by Charles
Esche, Philippe Pirotte, Ivan Grubanov)
Published Artices and Essays
Odbrana Prirode, 12th Pancevo Biennial, Odlomci iz Tajnih spisa Joseph-a Beuys-a, KC Pancevo,
Metropolis M Magazine, No. 4, Bedgeheimen, Utrecht, 2007
Selective Knowledge, Center for Contemporary Art and Thought, Triangle, Athens, 2008
Circumstance, 50th October Salon, Museum of Contemporary Art, Trougao, Belgrade, 2009
Bibliography – Reviews in Art Related Publications
Virginia Mackenny ‘Disjunctive Dialogues – Conversations across Boundaries’, ‘Violence-Silence’
catalogue, Durban, 2002
Elly Stegeman ‘Ivan Grubanov –Waarheidsvinding’, ‘Fuse’ catalogue, Museum De Beyerd, Breda 2003
Annelote Verhagen ‘Ivan Grubanov’, Video Studio, Museum Beelden an Zee, Scheveningen 2004
James Becket ‘Ivan Grubanov, Born Belgrade, 1976’, ‘Untitled as Yet’ catalogue, Vrsac, 2004
Emily Pethick “Ivan Grubanov’, Critics’ Picks, London,, London, May-June 2004
Wim van der Beek, ‘Ivan Grubanov – Galerie Ron Mandos’, Kunstbeeld 09, Amsterdam 2004
Ana Peraica ‘Media on Trial’, Springerin 04, Vienna, 2004
Goran Petrovic ‘20/21’ catalogue, Belgrade 2005
Ana Peraica ‘Grubanov for president!’, ‘Off-Key’ catalogue, Kunsthalle Bern, 2005
Luk Lambrecht, ‘Information/Transformation’, Metropolis, No 6, Antwerp, 2005
Arno van Roosmalen, ‘Ivan Grubanov at Stroom Den Haag’, Stroom Den Haag, 2005
Gregor Guy Smith, ‘May I See the Original?’, Ivan Grubanov at Stroom Den Haag’, Stroom Den Haag,
Kai van Hasselt, ‘On the Work Visitor’, Ivan Grubanov at Stroom Den Haag’, Stroom Den Haag, 2005
Arjan Reinders ‘Ivan Grubanov – Stroom’, Kunstbeeld, Amsterdam 2005
Zoë Gray, ‘Ivan Grubanov’, Contemporary Magazine annual issue, London, February 2006
Anne Dekerk, ‘Ivan Grubanov - Mapping Myself Into Complex Social Situations’, Etcetera Magazine
No 101, Brussels 2006
Tony White, “ Another Fool in the Balkans”, Cadogan, London, 2005
Zoe Gray, “Father Land, Mother Tongue”, Wasafiri magazine, No 48, London, 2006
Rebecca Gordon Nesbit, ‘Tirany and Tribalism, the Art of Ivan Grubanov’, Afterall 14, London-Los
Angeles, 2006
Philippe Pirotte, ‘Ivan Grubanov-Close Encounters’, Afterall No 14, London-Los Angeles, 2006
Kit Hammond, Ivan Grubanov, Around the World in 80 Days Catalogue, ICA London & South London
Gallery, London 2006, p120-121
Alex Mitrani, Ivan Grubanov, Papers d’art, 2nd semester 2006, pag 134, Girona, Spain
Katherine Carl, Ivan Grubanov, Drawing Papers, The Drawing Center New York, New York, Autumn
Csiszek Petra, Wasteland, Balkon, Budapest, 2008
Seamus Keally, Considering Two Works by Ivan Grubanov and Paul Chan, Monochrom #26-34, Vienna,
Raluca Voinea, Ivan Grubanov: I am not merely an Observer, Idea Magazine for Art and Society, #40,
Bucharest, 2012
Daphne Vitali, Between Past and Present: Ivan Grubanov and Vangelis Vlahos, Artpulse Magazine No.
15 Vol. 4, 2013
Bibliography – Reviews in the Press
Machteld Leij ‘Drama van Servie’, NRC Handelsblad, Amsterdam, 08.10.2004.
Paul Alexander ‘Stiekem Milosevic tekenen’, NRC Handelsblad, Amsterdam, 24 09 2005
Nicole Lucas, ‘Tekenar Ivan Grubanov’ Trouw, Amsterdam, 16 12 2005
Edwin van Baarle, Interview with Ivan Grubanov, AD, Amsterdam, 22 Dec 2005
Jan Goossensen, ‘Onverteerde restjes’, UIT, Amsterdam, January 2006
Edo Dijksterhuis, ‘Exorcisme in een rafelig schetsblok’, Het Financiele Dagblad, Amsterdam, 14 01
Rutger Pontzen, ‘Krachtige zoektocht naar Milosevic’, Volkskrant, Amsterdam 04 01 2006
Marija Djordjevic, Tajni crtezi, Politika, Belgrade, 9th September 2005
Ljiljana Cinkul, Vizuelno svedocenje, Politika, Belgrade, 20th September 2005
Slobodan Kostic, Vizuelni Stenogram, Vreme, Belgrade, 15th September 2005
Noèlia Hernández, Ídolos caídos, Culturas, La Vanguardia, Barcelona, October 25, 2006
Arnau Puig, Un arte desde los Añicos, ABC, Nº768, Barcelona, October 21-27th, 2006
Neus Miró, Ivan Grubanov, Exit Express, Nº22, Barcelona, October, 2006
Conxita Oliver, Afterimages, Ivan Grubanov, AVUI, 16th Barcelona, November, 2006
David G. Torres, Ivan Grubanov, El Mundo, Madrid, 16th November 2006
M. Marjanovic, Intervju, Ivan Grubanov, Blic, Beograd, 9th April 2007
Cristina Fanjul, El Musac Representa las huellas del conflicto de la antiqua Yugoslavia, Diario De Leon,
Leon, 14th March 2008
Kelly Kiki, Ivan Grubanov, BH Magazine Athens, January 25th 2011
Giorgos Karoszak, Politics of Art, Eleutherotypia, Athens, January 22nd 2011
Marija Djordjevic, Arheologija Konflikta, Politika, Beograd, March 2nd, 2011
Awards and Grants
2012-2013 Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of Lower Saxony for Artistic Research, Hannover,
2008 Scholarship Casa de Velazquez, French Institute in Madrid, ES
2005-2006 Delfina Foundation, Delfina Studio Trust Award, London, UK
2003 RABK, Scholarship of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Amsterdam, NL
2002 RABK, Scholarship of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Amsterdam, NL
2001 Pancevo, YU, Award of 31st
Salon of Pancevo
2000 Pancevo, YU, Award of 30th October Salon
1999 World's Health Organization, Belgrade, YU, Award for Best Poster
1997 Patagonija Magazine, Vrsac, YU, Award for Best Drawing
Guest Lectures and Workshops
2014 HISK (Hoger Instituut Voor Schone Kunsten – Vlaanderen), Ghent, BE
2014 Metaforum Leuven, Hollands College, KU Leuven, BE
2014 Sint-Lucas Brussels (LUCA School of Arts), BE
2013 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, GR
2013 Lanchester Gallery Projects, Coventry, UK
2012 Sint-Lucas School of Arts, Ghent, BE
2011 National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, GR
2011 Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, RS
2007 École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, FR
2006 Goldsmiths College, London, UK
2006 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
2005 Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
2005 Cornerhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Manchester, UK
2005 Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, SCG
2005 Banff Center, Banff, CA
2005 Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, SCG
2003 Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, NL
2003 Universiteit van Tilburg, Tilburg NL
2001 Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Sarajevo, BH
2000 Muffathalle, Munich, DE, 'Future Communities'
Film/Video Screening
2004 Muffathalle, Munich, DE, ‘NEURO’
2004 VPRO Television, NL, Smart Project Space selection
2001 FLUX 01, Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, YU
2001 Academy of Fine Arts Gallery, Sarajevo, BH, ARTme
2001 Student’s Cultural Center-SKC, Belgrade, YU, 'Mikrokino Fest'
2000 Culture House Gorizia, Gorizia, IT, 'VideoGong Festival'
2000 Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, SI, 'hEXPO'
Installations in Public Space
2006 Installation and performance in front of the National Parliament in Belgrade (curated by Eric
Corne, organized by the Cultural Center of Belgrade)
2001 Installation in public space, 10th BELEF, Belgrade, RS
1997-1999 Series of installations in public space, 'BREAK 21-International Festival of Young
Independent Artists', Ljubljana, SLO (curated by Dunja Kukovec)
Participation at Symposiums and Workshops
2011 Heritage for the Future, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, RS
2004 ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Helsinki, FI, Talin, EE
2001 Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, YU, Video-Art/Theory/Realization/Presentation workshop
(with Thierry Destriez -Heure Exquise, FR)
2000 KC Metelkova, Kapelica, KUD FP, Ljubljana, MKC, Koper, Kibla, Maribor, SI, 'hEXPO -
Festival of Self-Organized Cultural Forms'
2000 Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, YU, 'Linker workshop (with Lisa Haskel -Mongrel, GB)
1999 Subotica, YU, 'Festival of Cheapo Film' 1999-2000
1998 Rex Cultural Center, Belgrade, YU, 'XER'
1997 Ljubljana, SI, 'BREAK 21-International Festival of Young Independent Artists' 1997-2000
Work in Public Collections
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece
Deutche Bank Collection, Frankfurt, Germany
MUSAC (Museo de arte contemporaneo de Castilla y Leon), Leon, Spain
Collection Kunstmuseum Bern, Switzerland
Deutche Bank Collection, London, United Kingdom
Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade (MSUB), Serbia
Colección Esencias, Barcelona, Spain
Colección Vilardell, Mallorca, Spain
Collection of the Gallery of Contemporary Pancevo, Serbia