Education and Residencies
2013-14 ISCP International Studios and Curatorial Program, New York, USA
2012 Villa Arson, residency, Nice, France
2009-11 Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kusten, residency, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2008 Workshop The Ruin in the City, curated by 98 Weeks Research Project, Beirut, Lebanon 2006-07 Atelier Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Municipality of Venice, Venice, Italy
2006 FAR Fondazione Antonio Ratti, XII Advanced Course in Visual Arts, Como, Italy
2003-04 Scholarship, KHB Kunsthochschule, Berlin, Germany
2001-07 Assistant to Ilya and Emilia Kabakov
1999-2005 Accademia di Belle Arti, Venice, Italy
Awards and Fellowships
2018 Projectinvestering Instellingen, Mondrian Fonds, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Experimenteerreglement kunstenaarshonoraria, Mondrian Fonds, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2017 Winner of the 2nd edition of the Italian Council award, for the project Anastasis, exhibited at the Oude Kerk in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2016 This is not a Prize, Premio Mutina, Artissima, Turin
2014 Premio New York, promoted by the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs 2012 Premio Italia Arte Contemporanea, MAXXI, Rome, Italy
2010 Mr. and Mrs. de Bruin-Heijn, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2009 Premio Lum per l'arte contemporanea, Bari, Italy
2007 Premio Marco Magnani, Sassari, Italy
2006 GAI (Giovani Artisti Italiani), “Movin' Up”, supported by DARC, Turin, Italy
2017 57th Venice Biennale
2011 54th Venice Biennale
Solo Exhibitions
2022 REMOTO a site-specific work for Musei di Castelvecchio, Verona, Italy 2021 Ellissi, LabOratorio degli Angeli, Bologna, Italy
2019 Annunciazione, Sprovieri, London, UK
CITTÀDIMILANO, Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy
2018 Anastasis (νάστασις), Oude Kerk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2016 5122.65, Depart Foundation, Los Angeles, USA
In girum imus nocte, ZERO..., Milan, Italy
2015 Antinori Art Project, San Casciano Val di Pesa, Florence, Italy
La scultura lingua morta (parte III), Sprovieri, London, UK
2014 In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni, Sant' Antioco, Cagliari, Italy
La scultura lingua morta (parte II), Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Paris, France
La scultura lingua morta (parte I), Wilfried Lentz Gallery, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Level, Peep-Hole, Milan, Italy
2012 Giorgio Andreotta Calò, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2011 22 luglio 1911 / 22 luglio 2011, Premio LUM per l’Arte Contemporanea, Teatro Margherita, Bari,
2010 Scolpire il tempo, Wilfried Lentz Gallery, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The bakery, Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Monumento ai Caduti, Bologna, Italy
2009 1979-2009, Galleria Civica, Trento, Italy
2008 Atto Terzo. Volver, ZERO..., Milan, Italy
2007 SEI, Premio Marco Magnani, ex Ospedale Psichiatrico Rizzeddu, Sassari, Italy
Diogene Bivacco Urbano, Lungo Dora Savona, Turin, Italy
Osservatorio, Laguna Sud di Venezia, Venice, Italy
2003 Sunset Boulevard, a study of Gordon Matta-Clark’s works, Zona dell’Arsenale, Venice, Italy
Selected Group Exhibitions
2023 “Everybody Talks About the Weather”, Fondazione Prada, Venice, Italy
2022 Embassy of Italy in London for the project Italy at Frieze In Piena Crisi (2022) 2021 MADRE Museum, Brooklyn, NY, USA
ST. ELMO'S FIRE, Rodeo, Piraeus, Greece
2020 Lithosphere, Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato, Italy
Real Italy, MAXXI, Rome, Italy
Metallo Urlante, Campoli Presti, Paris, France
2019 Non-Places and the Spaces in Between, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, New York, USA 2017 Think of this as a Window, MUT, Fiorano, Italy
Et in terra, Beatrice Burati Anderson Art Space & Gallery, Venice, Italy
Take Me (I’m Yours), Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy
Il mondo magico, Padiglione Italia, Venice Biennale, Italy
Elizabeth Jaeger, Moris, Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Rolando Anselmi, Berlin, Germany
2016 Altri tempi, altri miti, 16th Quadriennale D’Arte, Rome, Italy
Prediction, Mendes Wood, São Paulo, Brazil
Il principio è solo e solo un centro spostato verso il centro, Bugada & Cargnel, Paris, France
Par Tibi Roma Nihil, Nomas Foundation, Rome, Italy
The lasting. L’intervallo e la durata, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, Italy People in a Building Without the Building, Careof and Kunstverein, Milan, Italy
Wanderlust, High Line, New York, USA
L’astronauta caduto, Galleria A plus A, Venice, Italy
2015 Ennesima, La Triennale di Milano, Milan, Italy
Over you / you, the 31st Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
La Chose, La Synagogue, Delme, France
Anche le sculture muoiono, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence
53rd New York Film Festival, New York, USA
We’ll meet again, Kunsthalle Athena, Athens, Greece
Nero. La scrittura degli echi, MAXXI, Rome, Italy
Colmare il bocciolo/combattere il verme/regolare il calore/eludere il vento/sfuggire all’ape, Museo Casa Ivan Bruschi, Arezzo, Italy
ArtLine Milano, Palazzo Reale, Milan, Italy
2014 Ritratto dell' artista da giovane, Castello di Rivoli, Turin
We Have Never Been Modern, SongEun Artspace, Seoul, South Korea
To continue. Notes towards a Sculpture Cycle, a cura di Cecilia Canziani e Ilaria Gianni, Nomas Foundation, Rome, Italia
De Volkskrant Beeldende Kunst Prijs 2014, Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, Olanda
La Joie de Vivre, A travers les regards de trois collectionneurs italiens, maison Particulière, Bruxelles, Belgium
2013 New works #1, Sprovieri, London, UK
DOCVA, Museo del Novecento, Milan, Italy
Extra Large, MACRO-Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Roma, Rome, Italy Momentum, Gemak, Den Haag, Netherlands
One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty, Peep-Hole, Milan, Italy Despite Our Differences, Fondation Hippocréne, Paris, Francia
Selected collections
Castello di Ama, Siena, Italy
AGI Verona, Verona, Italy
Antinori Art Project, Chianti, Firenze, Italy
Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Depart Foundation
Fiorucci Art Trust, London, UK
Fondazione Giuliani, Rome, Italy
FRAC Fondo Regionale Arte Contemporanea Piemonte, Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella, Italy Collezione La Gaia, Busca, Cuneo, Italy
Università LUM Jean Monnet, Bari, Italy
MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Roma, Italy
MGLC, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Lubiana, Slovenia
Museo del Vetro di Murano - Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, Venezia, Italy
Museo di Villa Croce, Genova, Italy
Mutina for Art, Fiorano, Modena, Italy
Nomas Foundation, Rome, Italy
Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Schiedam, The Netherlands
Yuanart Collection, Switzerland