I grew up in a small Italian town, where being who you are is not a thing. Being a woman is a limp; being gay or queer is a taboo.I have been lucky enough to be surrounded by friends that were willing to challenge those taboos. As they were blossoming in their own personalities and owning their queerness, I found myself completely fascinated by them. Silently, I started recording their lives and immediately they became the characters of my photographic tales. They crossed the boundaries of our conservative environment, and I am the witness of this small and yet loud revolution. That same environment is rich with classical art, renaissance aesthetic and catholic values, and those patterns are still recognisable in my photographs. With my practice, I seek to highlight queer issues, femininity, and cultural identity, while trying to make a change, even if small. Photography empowered me and freed me to become my self, even if it is only in a single image.
Gallery View article by Manuela Klerkx featuring the recommendation for emerging artists Alice Lucchinelli
Alice Lucchinelli lives and works in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Being a very young artist she proves her very high artistic standards through the chosen photography medium. Working at the edge of fashion and art photography she has gained her reputation as professional photographer and talented artist being featured at international and solo exhibitions in Rotterdam,Tel Aviv and Viareggio.
EDUCATION 2017/ BA in Photography WILLEM DE KOONING ACADEMIE, Rotterdam (NL) - 4 year bachelor 2015/2016 Photography Course, NOVA Virginia (USA) - basic photography courses
EXHIBITION 2020 Dance Queerdo Dance, Raw Streetphoto Gallery, Rotterdam (NL) - Solo exhibition 2019 Observation, H Romance Gallery at Posse, Rotterdam (NL) - group exhibition 2019 Fill in the Blanks Symposium, Nederland Foto Museum, Rotterdam (NL) - event coordinator 2018 Re: Search Foto Festival Schiedam, Rotterdam (NL) - group exhibition and space organizer 2018 Lady Clarissa, Galley Gloss, Tel Aviv (IL) - group exhibition 2017 Mozzarelle blu e Latte frizzante Collettivo DADA BOOM, Viareggio (IT) - group exhibition
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