Personal Exhibitions
2021 'THE WATER SEEMED SMOOTH', ADH Studio, Moscow, Russia
2020 'Sunken Garden' Chrysalid gallery, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2019 ‘Gift’ MMOMA, Moscow, Russia
2019 ‘Under the Mountain’ CCI Fabrika, Moscow, Russia
2019 ‘The Black Sea Always Turns Red’ RAW Streetphoto Gallery, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2018 ‘Fame’ Elektrozavod gallery, Moscow, Russia
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 'COUNTERBODIES', De Achtertuin, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2022 BIG ART, Bajeskwartier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2022 'ON TOP OF THE CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN', Excelsior Studios, London, UK
2021 'Counterbodies' De Achtertuin, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2021 'The Fifth Wave' Schusev’s Museum of Architecture, Moscow, Russia
2021 'What do mermaids sing about' Artetage, Vladivostok, Russia
2020 'Masks of Time' Ural Vision gallery, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2020 'Radical Cleansing' Park gallery, Moscow, Russia
2019 'Blood in the Corner of the Eye' The Others Art Fair, Turin, Italy
2019 'Technogenic' Hiedanrannan Kartano, Tampere, Finland
2019 'Will you be a witness? 2007/19' CCI Fabrika, Moscow, Russia
2019 'Sans (T)reve et Sans Merci' Cube Moscow, Russia
2018 'Workshop’18: Systems of Secret Symbols' MMOMA, Moscow, Russia
2018 ‘Convenient Art' MMOMA, Moscow, Russia
2018 'U.A... ' XL Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2017—2018 ‘MMXVII*’ Elektrozavod Gallery, Moscow, Russia
2017 'Workshop’17: There, Where No One Has Dreams: From Sacred Geography To No-Place', MMOMA, Moscow, Russia
2016 ‘Cultural code. Non-random generation’ Museum of Tauris, Simferopol, Crimea
2014 ‘Power of light’ Kroshitsky Museum of Arts, Sevastopol, Crimea
2012 ‘Reconstruction of Idleness’ Faina Gallery, Sevastopol, Crimea
2010 International festival ‘Balaklava Odyssey’ Mikhailovsky Ravelin, Sevastopol, Crimea
Art Residencies
2021 Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Salzburg, Austria
2016, 2014 Bereg art residency, Nikolayevka, Crimea