Presentation Frank Taal Galerie at Art Rotterdam 2025
Booth number E-8 Main Fair
Our presentation will focus on the works of Gerben Mulder, Bram Braam and Ruben Mols.
Centrepiece sculptures by Bram Braam and Ruben Mols. As always, in a carefully balanced presentation.
Furthermore, more salon presentations of works by artists represented by the gallery:
Vladimir Potapov (Moscow, 1980), Tom Woestenborghs (B, 1878), Isabelle
Borges (BR, 1966), Astrid Busch (G, 1968), Saminte Ekeland (NL, 1972), Daan den Houter (NL, 1977), Alban Karsten (NL, 1984), Marilou van Lierop (NL, 1957), Pieter jan Martyn (B, 1986), Mike Ottink (NL, 1966), Hester Scheurwater (NL, 1971), Stephen j Shanabroook (USA, 1968), Jake Kelly (GB, 1991), Tycho van, Zomeren (NL, 1989), Vincent Zanni (1995, CH) and Florens Kool (1988, NL).
Bram Braam is selected for the Sculpture Park Presentation: Intertwined Reality, Lava stone, Steel, 220 x 80 x 80 cm