To celebrate the one-year anniversary of PONTI, we are putting together a group exhibition around the theme KNOW THYSELF. The title refers to an aphorism inscribed in the temple of Apollo at Delphi. The central idea is that true knowledge comes from self
knowledge and that existential doubt is crucial in this and ensures that people do not regard themselves as equals of the gods.
We asked six artists to provide
work around this theme, giving us an insight into their personal lives. Anne Mie Van Kerckhoven shows Ouroboros, the tail-eater, who symbolizes the cyclical character of nature. Judit Kristensen, on the other hand, subtly disguises her true nature, while Viktor Mattsson, both clown and cowboy, openly shows his demons. The fragmented abstraction in Emma Verhulst's formal language evokes recognizable nostalgia and childhood memories. Maxim Renard shows us with his collages a twisted glimpse into his life. Finally, Daan Peeters harks back to his fascination with archeology, the transience of material heritage and the realization that nature always triumphs.