Circular movements form the basis of Eelke van Willegen's sturdy metal sculptures. The deep blue areas in Kees de Vries's paintings are bordered by baroque curls. The bright colours enhance the movements and add depth to the spaces they frame. The heavy metal becomes airy and cheerful, the paintings become dreamy.
Eelke van Willegen is an avid surfer, and so the movements in his work resemble the skipping waves on which a surfer gains speed and has to keep his balance. Here, the artist in him follows the surfer's movements.
With Kees de Vries, the twisting movements in the paint, which take on a different sheen from every angle, initially suck your gaze into the depths of blue. But blue in this painting gives no rest, no hold. Your gaze loses itself in the depths of the black surface and there discovers that black is made up of a wide range of dark colours.
Freedom and agility radiates from the works, confidently these mid-career artists have developed their visual language.