For Schönfeld Gallery curator Marie Mees braids her years of experience
with endless threads and fibres intuitively into a fresh selection of artists. As a textile designer, she cherishes craftsmanship and attention to detail. Her own style is radical: timeless and sustainable, minimalistic, and aesthetic. Like her designs, this exhibition is an ode to the material with a focus on interdisciplinary action. “It is not so much the desire to do something as to listen to that which wants to be done: the dictation of the materials”, noted Anni Albers, one of the pioneers of textile art. Leyla Aydoslu, Veerle Beckers, Dirk Breackman, Helena Cnockaert , Willem Cole, Honoré d’O, Celine Lambrechts, Lize Maekelberg, Camille Paroissien, Basile Rabaey, Thomas Renwart, Charlotte Stuby and Jana Visser each show the richness of the material in their own way and celebrate the joy of creating.