A few words about the stand / general idea of the scenography:
To participate to Art Brussels, Everyday Gallery collaborated with Deborah Bowmann (Amaury Daurel and Victor Delestre) to design and produce an original scenography. The design combines furniture by Deborah Bowmann and showcased artworks by Bram Kinsbergen, Daan Gielis, Dittmar Viane, Erik Chiafele, Jacopo Pagin, Jordy Kerwick, Kristof Santy, Rae Klein, Raymond Minnen, Thom Trojanowski, Tom Volkaert and Trude Viken.
The booth takes us into an unexpected domestic space, accessed through cartoonish doors. With its soft blue carpet and salmon pink walls, the scenography is a play on the ‘salon’ and showcases a plentitude of contemporary artists. Deborah Bowmann decided to transform the booth into a full theatrical scenographic play by taking its layout, wall colour, floor covering and its furniture to create an estranging domestic set. We thus relate to the works with a different alertness, taking in blunt works.