The 38th edition of Art Brussels takes place from Thursday 28 April until Sunday May 1st at Tour and Taxis. We are pleased to share the highlights of our presentation in the preview.
Concurrently with her first solo exhibition at Zeno X Gallery, we will show a large-scale canvas by Pélagie Gbaguidi as well as a selection of new works on paper at the fair. This painting was previously on view at WIELS in Brussels (2019) in the exhibition 'Multiple Transmissions: Art in the Afropolitan Age', curated by Sandrine Colard.
Our presentation will also include a selection of historical and new works by Mark Manders in anticipation of his solo show later this year. Manders' Japanese museum tour in 2020-2021 ended successfully with the acquisition of the monumental Dry Clay Head by the National Museum of Art, Osaka.
For the first time, work by Martin Margiela will be on view in Belgium. Last year, Margiela made his debut at Lafayette Anticipations in Paris. This exhibition will now travel to M Woods, Beijing and will open in July 2022.
Kees Goudzwaard, Marina Rheingantz, Bart Stolle and Mircea Suciu have created new works especially for the fair, and so has Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven. We will also bring new sculptures by Grace Schwindt to the fair. Schwindt is currently preparing her new solo exhibition at Kunstmuseum St. Gallen which will open in September 2022. In her work she analyses the role that bodies, language and objects play in the construction of history and memory.
In addition, we will present work by Mounira Al Solh, Dirk Braeckman, Jan De Maesschalck, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Hyun-Sook Song, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh and Luc Tuymans.